My Neighbour is My Mate

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"Ight See ya" I say to my friend Sam as I walk off the bus, immediately seeing my aunts black Highlander across the street and run across the road, of course looking both ways carrying my One Direction folder and pens along with my huge booking that weighs a ton.

My name is Logan Winters, and I'm a werewolf. I would say I'm an average looked, my long golden blond hair that cascades down my back to my hips and bright blue eyes, my boobs are a C cup, and I have a medium sized butt. I'm 17 and 5'9'', I weigh 120 with curves in the right places, long legs but I'm muscular, and you might see a little drama queen bitch in my description, but I'm not.  

I wear my lip ring along with my eyebrow piercings, also 16 piercings on my ears. I wear Avenged Sevenfold and Blood on the Dance Floor T-Shirts all the time. Along with skinny jeans and high top converse. 

And to top it all off... I'm the Alpha's daughter, next in line for the Alpha title which I will get in the next two weeks.  

I walk up to my aunts car and get in,

"Hey Logan... how was school?" She asks and starts to drive towards our house, which was 30 seconds away,  

"Good... but that guy still makes me mad," I say and clench my jaw. There is this guy who just really pisses me off... He thinks he is SO bad ass... the best part is... he's a human!! -Note the sarcasm-  

"You should spend your time on other things instead of Hating someone" my aunt says, making me huff,  

"I know... but still... I just wanna punch him... just once" I say  

"Logan... You can't hit anyone" my aunt says laughing as we pull up to our house,  

"I suppose not..." I huff and get out. No I'm not a bitch to my aunt... I love her and respect her.  

"Got any homework?" My aunt asks as we walk in,  

"Nope... finished it all in study hall." I say as she nodded and went up to my room, after changing into my shorts and tank top and putting my hair in a bun on top of my head, I sit on my bed with my head phones in and pet my cat Nate.

"Logan!! Come down here and sit in the living room while we go out to the store!!" My aunt yells up the stairs, I get up to see my Aunt and Uncle in their sweats with their shoes on,  

"Be right back."  

"Alright." I answer and pick up my phone off of the counter and sit on the couch, when I heard a little girl scream. I get up and walk to the window, searching fir the cause when I see two little kids, around 6 or 7 and a boy, around 7 or 8, around a small body, I look closer to see who was on the ground, seeing a little boy maybe 4, then the little girl screamed again. I dash outside barefoot and run across the yard, jumping over the fence and running to the little boy.

"What happened to him?" I say, looking at the little boy who was on the ground holding his leg, crying. 

"He jumped off the trampoline and hurt his leg!" the little girl sobbed. I reach my hand out to touch the boys leg, only for him to scream in pain, making me jerk my hand back.

"Where is your parents?" I ask,

"Well...we weren't suppose to go outside cause Mommy and Daddy is gone and Max is inside asleep" I nod and pick up the boy, not hurting him,  

"I'm going to take him to the hospital okay? I need you guys to go in and tell Max that he is hurt, okay?" I say as they nodded. I jumped over the fence with ease and look down at the little boy in my arms,  

"What's your name?" I ask as we approach my 2013 Black with red stripes Charger and sit him in the passenger.

"Blake." he sobs. I give him a reasurring smile and run over to my side and jump in, buckling us both in and back out of the drive way and drive with the emergency blinkers on towards the hospital,  

"It's okay... you'll be okay... I promise" I say and on cue we enter the hospital parking lot, I jump out and pull Blake out and run into the emergency department, bare foot,  

"We need help!!" I yell as nurses rub in and try to take Blake away,  

"No... I'm carrying him..." I say in my alpha tone and they nodded quickly.

   Logan, whatch it. They are humans. My wolf scolds

   Whoops sorry Estella. I chuckle. I could feel her rolling her eyes.

I carry him to the E.R laughing at my wolf, and exitited the room so they could do x-rays on Blake. I sat down in the unconfortable chairs and layed my head back.

   I'm a bossy ass bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch biych, I'm  bossy-

"Logan Winters!! Where are you?!!" My aunt yells in my ear.

"Listen, I'm at the hospital with a little boy, I'll be back later" I say, her hesitating agreeing and hanging up, Then the nurse walks in,  

"Logan Winters?" She says and I stand up, her motioning for me to follow her. I follow her through the long hallways, the going into a small room, seeing Blake with a cast on his ankle,  

"He broke his ankle... but he is fine now... You may take him home" Wow!! that was reallllly fast... I pick up the little boy, grabbing his crutches and grabbing his release papers, then driving back home pulling into his drive way, 

"I'll carry you" say and pick him up out of the car, grabbing his crutches and knock on the door, only for a women to open the door,  

"Blake!!" She shrieks and grabs him and hugs him tightly then looks at me, "What did you do yo him?!!!" She yells, I sniff the air, she is a werewolf... I guess she don't know who she is talking to,  

"Watch your tone" I growl, her eyes widen,  

"I'm Sorry my Alpha... forgive me" she bows,  

"Your forgiven..." I hand her Blake's release sheets, "Take care of him... he's a good kid" I say and walk to my car and drive around the block to my house and pull in, after a good 3 1/2 hour lecture, take a quick shower and lay in my bed, with that One Name repeating in my head,  


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