Chapter 16

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"Alright! Everyone start stretching!" Starla shouted and everyone began to stretch, even from head to knee and splitting.

Once everyone was warmed up, they sat down, some drinking water, some going to the bathroom. After doing everything needed, a voice erupted.


"They're here." Starla stated and as if on cue, the group walked in.

"Wait those two..." Kai muttered, his eyes filled with shock.

"What's wrong?" Akashi questioned.

"Those two were at the arcade the other day. Are you guys sure they're insane cause they seem pretty innocent at the arcade?" Kai stated.

"Well why else are they still here when they died?" Starla asked Kai.

Kai decided to throw the thought away and watch as they approach them.

"Well? Let's start by picking who will be dancing with who?" Jin smirked.

"I'll be dancing with Ryoji of course, knowing only he is by my level or maybe a bit higher." Jin chuckled.

Ryoji nodded in understanding.

"I'll be dancing with Nala then." Umiko stated.

"Futuristic music vs Pop music then." Nala sighed.

"I'll take that redhead on then." Willow stated.

"I have a name you know, and I'll make sure you remember it once I defeat you." Nina smirked.

"I'll take you on then." Minato stated lazily pointing at Akashi.

"Gladly." Akashi smiled.

"You'll be fighting me then!" Maika cheered pointing at the blond girl, Ib.

"This'll be fun!" Ib giggled.

"And I'll be battling you." The lavender haired boy named Garry stated eyeing Kai.

"Alright." Kai sighed.

"You and me!" Night giggled looking at Emiko and she nodded in response.

"Alright, who goes first?" Jin questioned.

"Ladies first, bird brain." Nina chuckled as she walks up with Willow.

"Alright!" Jin beamed as he pulled out a purple disk with a red flames as design. He put it on the player as the two girls went to the prism world. They came back, standing on the rink, wearing their best outfit.

The music began and they started dancing.

(Rin is Nina while Len is Willow in that vid)

Soon they jumped to began summoning their weapons and partner.



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