Chapter 10

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"Let me show you all a wonderful time!" Umiko smiled making the crowd cheer for her.

The music erupted and she danced to the beat as she sing her song.

Soon her blue fan glowed and floated a foot away and turned into a Golden key.


A pair of giant golden doors appeared infront of her that she quickly unlocked it with the key.


The doors cracked and exploded, turning into a vortex. Before the vortex closed, Sashi jumped out. She skate down the side walk with Sashi by her side and began to perform their jumps.

Squeals, screams and shouts erupted from the crowd.




Wait- what- butter?





Uh... Jinbop Gaming? What's he doing jere?! Author! What's the meaning of this?!

(Jin: Nothing! Just a few add ins by me! XD)

Does the REAL MAIN author know about this?!

(Jin: You mean Nala? Nah! Bit I'm SURE she'll love it!)

I don't really think so -_-

(Jin: Just keep on acting! Now let's continue with the story!)


"Pop splash!"

"Number 2! Popping Candy Rocket Prize Jump!"

"Number 3! Hat Trick Star Serve!"

"Number 4! Happy Macaroon Spin Perfect!"

The audience roared once she finished up with a pose.

"And the score Umiko Sonoda obtained!!! Is 15,550/20,200 karats!" The host beamed full of energy.

Umiko happily left the stage and came back to the dressing room.

"Time for the lunch break everyone! The lunch break will only last 30 minutes!" The host informed as Umi came out of the bathroom wearing her normal clothes.

"Where do you guys wanna eat?" She asked.

"Don't worry, we don't need to go anywhere! I made lunch that's enough for all of us!" Ryoji cheered as he pulled out four large plastic bags filled with... stuff.

"Even Soleon and the others can eat too!" He informed as he set the table and place the food boxes down along with the drinks, pet food bowl, chop sticks and others.

"Itadakimas!" We all said before opening the lids only to see our favorite japanese foods inside.

"Sugoi!" Umi squealed.

"These, actually look pretty good." Soleon said looking down at her food bowl filled with cutely decorated food.

"Dig in everyone!" Ryoji smiled.

We all took our first bite and squealed because of the taste.

"Are you a five star chef or something?!" Willow yelled.

"No but I am a three star chef and my real name is Earl the Dungeon Beast." He said in a funny voice.

"Not that old joke again." I giggled.

"It never gets old to me." He smirked.

"On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the highest, how would you guys rate Ryoji's cooking skills?" I questioned.

"10!!!" Umi, Starla, Sashi, Soleon and Suki cheered.

"Hm... 7." Willow stated.

"Ack!" Ryoji squeaked as he fall down anime style.

"But why though?!" Umiko pouted.

"I don't get impressed THAT easily." Willow stated.

"Well let's eat!" Sashi cheered and all ate our lunches.

:Shine Goes The Prism:

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