Thick As Thieves

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"Andrew please don't! Don't tell Cameron anything, don't tell anyone anything please! You don't understand what happened, you don't know what he was about to do!" I yelled back, running after him. "At least hear me out!"

"Cameron learned everything from him! I owed him my life! And your telling me I don't know what he did! What did he not do? Your the one who killed him! Do you understand what you did?! Do you have any ide-- you know what! I'm done talking to you." Andrew was now near the doorway.

"Please.." I begged. "Please, just let me expla--" I froze. To my left, on the porch stood the man I killed. The man I killed almost a year ago. " tha-that isn't possible."

Andrew looked exactly where I was looking. "What are you looking at? ..I knew it, your a psycho!" He spoke in disgust. He turned to open the door.

"You can't see him? He's standing right there. Andrew, he's right there!" I whispered fiercely, not taking my eyes off him.

"What are you talking about?! There is no one there! You can't trick me again Vanessa. I let you stay in my house because Cameron thought you needed help. But you needed help  in hiding from The Lamia! You killed Emmett! And you will not be forgiven!"

The man stood there on the porch staring right into my soul. He opened his mouth to let words come out.

"Hello Vanessa."

(Flashback Ends)

I shook my head. Elena didn't know how hard it was to join their team. Andrew hated me for what I did for quite some time. Cameron still has no idea.

I miserably walked up the stairs and subconsciously made my way to Cameron room. He was still in bed, sleeping. I always thought of how I would confess to Cameron but I can never fully imagine it. My mind stops thinking every time I think of Cameron angry at me.

But I have to face it sooner or later.


"Your not lying?" Andrew asked, sitting in his chair in his living room, worried.

"No. I actually saw him. Like I said, he said hello and then all the light bulbs bursted outside. I don't understand how this is possible. He's supposed to be dead! He shou--"

"No! He's not supposed to be dead! He's supposed to be alive and helping people. So no! He's NOT supposed to be dead, Vanessa." Andrew corrected, angrily.

I sighed. I didn't expect him to understand that I did him the biggest favour of his life. But I went along with the flow.

"What i meant, is since he is dead, he shouldn't be able to communicate with the living and he especially shouldn't be able to touch anything." I explained. "I don't know a lot about witchcraft and spells, etc but I know that much. Something isn't right."

"I agree about that but - -" Andrew suddenly stopped mid-sentence and stared at my arm. "Why isn't your wound healing?"

"What wound...?"I looked down and my entire sleeve was stained red with blood. "Oh god..." I rolled up the sleeve, and there was a gash from my wrist to my inner elbow. Then it came to me.

"Before the light bulbs bursted, he grabbed my wrist and i tried to yank him off. I didn't even realize he cut me so bad" I spoke completely shocked.

"so thats why you did that weird dance before the lights bulbs exploded..I thought you were going crazy" Andrew added, trying to make the circumstances a bit less intense.

"Its not healing..." I whispered. Andrew nodded slowly, and put his hand on his forehead, thinking.

"Maybe we need help" He suggested. I immediately shook my head.

"No please, no one can find out about what I did."

"Don't worry," He got up from the chair, determined. "I know a witch who is almost too old to count. She won't find out, all she has to do is heal the wound and then we're out of there."

(Flashback ended)

I watched Cameron peacefully breathe, in and out. I sat down near his legs and couldn't help but feel miserable.

Emmett is back. And there is no way to stop him. I didn't understand why I was being punished so brutally. What I did was justice to the world, they didn't have a clue about Emmett's plans. I had to kill him, even though thousands adored him. Including Cameron and Andrew. I sniffed and shook my head.

"Stop thinking about that. Your only making everything worse" I told myself. I looked back at Cameron and remembered what Elena once said to me.

"You'll get there. One day."

But i didn't want to wait for that one day. The last time I waited, Krystal came and stole my opportunity.

At least she's dead I happily thought. I smiled while looking at Cameron, admiring him when my beautiful moment was interrupted.

"I see your tru wuv hasn't changed since the last time we met. He will finally get what he deserved."

Emmett smirked

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Emmett smirked.

So this book is coming to an end very soon. Need help thinking of the seconds books name. Any thoughts? Comment below! :)

All Alone <<TVD>>Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora