Chapter 2- First Move

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When I first spoke to her it was almost like I knew there was something different about this girl then all my other ...conquests. There was something about her that made me start to rethink if this was a good idea but then I remembered... I had I reputation to uphold...

"Hey what's your name, beautiful?" I asked her as I bent down to help her with her books. I could hear the voice in my head telling me to stop but I ignored it. She looked at me and her eyes went wide as if she was in shock someone was speaking to her. I put on a fake smile.

"T-Taylor Johnston." She replied or should I say stuttered.

I loved having this effect on girls. "Why don't I give you a ride home Taylor?" I asked her. I heard the boys behind me laughing and the girls also. It was as if they all knew what was happening and this poor girl had no clue. We picked up the last book and stood up from the ground.

She nodded at me and I walked her to my car.

We walked over to my car as I carried her books. I am such a gentleman. I thought to myself. The boys got in the back of my car and we left school in a flash.

I dropped off Dave first since he lived the farthest from my house. Taylor didn't speak a word to anyone in the car. She was as quiet as mouse. I looked in my rear-view mirror at Alex and he gave a me funny look and then pointed to Taylor. I had to muffle my laugh so she wouldn't notice.

"So Taylor, where do you live?" I asked her.

"I live at 68 Hummingbird Rd." She said as she looked at me.

"Oh I know where that is. Right down the street from my house."

I drove to her house and once I was in her driveway I took notice to her house. It was a little small for the neighborhood but still big compared to the rest of the towns houses. It had a white picket fence around the entire yard, and it had big lawn. The house itself was red with black windows and doors and the garage was in the back.

"Nice house for nice girl." I winked.  She blushed and started opening the door.

"Wait Taylor! You should give me your number this was I can drive you to school every morning." I smiled at her. She looked at me again with wide eyes and nodded.

I gave her my phone to type in her number and then she was gone.

I started laughing as soon as I watched her get into the door. Alex was smirking at me as I pulled out of her driveway.

"Nice choice." Was all he said as we got out of the car to go into my house.


That night I messaged her.

'Goodnight beautiful <3- Drew'

I should have listened to my gut when it said that she was a bad idea. I should have listened to my gut when it told me to turn away. I didn't... I was in it to win and break this girls heart.


Overdue but finally here.

Hope you enjoyed it:)

Thanks for reading, love you all- Pam<3

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