Chapter 1- Game Set

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Chapter 1

Game Set

I remember like it was yesterday...just a normal school day. It was our last year of high school and I was hanging out with my buddy's beside my sport's car I just loved to show off...pretending like I didn't care about anyone or anything.

Year 2014

"Yo, Drew you down to go to the movies tonight?" Dave asked. I pulled the tooth-pick out of my mouth and looked towards him. I had been looking at the two girls who were walking towards their car. I turned towards my bestfriend and nodded.

I wouldn't say Dave wasn't hot or anything but it defiantly brought up my hottness when I was around him. He had short brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. His hair was always in a quiff when he wasn't wearing that stupid beanie of his and he had nerd glasses. Not that he needed glasses he just thought they would look good on him. He was nice though, defiantly the smartest of us three therefore he basically did all my homework, and he was defanitly truthworthy. Dave was more of the nerd type of our group, but thats what made girls love him, because he was the hottest nerd at the school.

"What moive do you wanna see Drew?" Alex asked me. I rolled my eyes and then looked at my other best friend Alex. Now Alex has been my oldest friend since we met when we were 5 and grew up together. Alex was attractive; again not as attractive as me but attractive. He has light brown hair, with ocean blue eyes. The girls were always all over him; when they weren't all over me of course and yet he believed in one girlfriend at a time; something I quiet never understood. The only downfall of this man was he was dumb, got good grades though because well... Dave. Though again he was a loyal and trustworthy friend just like Dave.

I on the other hand, well I was a little bit of both my best friends. Some of Dave and some of Alex. I was smart, very smart but I don't want to advertise that to my stupid high school. I liked girls just as much as Alex and well as I said I was the hottest out of the three of us.

I noticed a girl walking past us, her hair in a stupid ugly pony tail. She was looking towards the pavement, clutching onto her books like she would die without them. "Who is that?" I asked. She looked familiar to me. Yet i couldn't put my finger on where I have seen her.

"Who, her? That's Taylor Johnston. She's in your History class." Dave said to me. I nodded in response.

"Isn't she the girl who always had lunch with her sister because she made no friends here in high school?" Alex asked. I smirked. No friends really?

"Yeah and she is always alone now because her sister went off to Uni. I feel bad for her." Dave replied.

I was still staring at her. I couldn't help but stare at her, as she walked past the two girls who I now recognized as Brittany and Alysia; she tripped over her own feet. I shook my head and laughed to myself. All her books fell and the two girls were laughing at her. I took the tooth-pick out of my mouth again and flicked it to the floor.

I turned to look at Dave and Alex. "Well boys, why don't we go make a new 'friend'?" I laughed while a big smirk came onto my face. They both knew what this meant. Alex grinned and Dave just frowned but went along with it.

"Hey Taylor why don't I help you with that?"

That's how it all started....


Just so you guys all know that everything in Italics is what the present Drew is saying to his son!! That's extremely important to know for the rest of the story!!!

Hope you enjoyed it

Love You All- Pam<3

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