Chapter 4: Goodbye.

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  (~Unknown POV~)

  The plan is falling into place. My daughter and son will never be like this again. I will make them feel the hurt that my kids felt only worse.

  (~Dylan's POV~)

  On the way back to the nightmare house, Mikey tried talking to me. Like really, my family just died and your trying to make small talk with me? We pull onto my street. Police, Ambulances, the Corridor, the news, even people from school.

I hop out of the car. News people come running up to me. They all shove their cameras and microphones in my face. The police come and circle me. Mikey comes and grabs my arm so he doesn't lose me. I take my other hand a flick everyone off.

"How is it your the only one who survived?" "What did the killers look like?" "What did the killers car look like?" The news reporters screamed at me.

"OMG!!! I can't believe I forgot!" I yell. I get out of Mikey's grip. I run onto the scene. I decided not to go through the living room that now has empty, but soon to be filled body bags, blood and broken glass on the floor. So I climbed up the tree next to my balcony to my room. I really should've locked these doors.

I hop onto my balcony. I open the door. I walk into my soon to be old bedroom. I look at my desk. The paper I scribbled the license plate on was still there. My clothes for school tomorrow is still on my chair. My phone is still plugged in by my bed. My pictures of my family, friends and I are all over my walls and bulletin board. I stand there looking at all the pictures. I'm frozen, I can't cry, I can't scream, I can hardly blink. I can't move.

I hear Mikey run up the stairs and come into my room. I still don't even flinch. He slowly creeps over to me. He looks at what I'm looking at.

"Oh Dylan."

I could not take it anymore. I fell the the ground. I pulled my knees to my chest and I just cried. I heard my phone go off so I went ahead and looked at it.

Em da lamb:
Dyl please pickup
Everybody's freakin
I love you girly never forget that💚

Best Slithern buddy🐍:
OMG!please tell me your okay!
I can't live without my best friend!

The she also texted me this big long thing on how much she love me. My two besties did the same.

I look at Mikey. "Two things, one can my friends meet us at the station so I can have comfort? And two the license plate n-number is on my desk." I said while sobbing.

He runs over to the desk and say into his radio," Jamie I need you to run the plate LYZ32JA." He looks at me with saddened eyes. "And yes your friends can meet us at the station."

"Thanks I'll tell them." I text Em da Lamb (real name :Emily), Best Slithern Buddy (real name:Melissa), Heather the Feather (real name :Heather), and Jake the Cake (real name: Jake). I tell them to go to the station in an hour and tell the lady, Jamie, at the front desk the code "ELBSBHFJC" and she will let you guys see me. I send it and I grab my suitcase. I pack my necessities: my clothes, makeup, hair brush, ETC. I finish packing that and in the front pocket of my suit case I stick as many pictures as I can.

I grab a backpack out of my now empty closet. I put my laptop, phone charger, a book, a sweatshirt, money and my penny board. I grab my phone, and then I walk around my house just taking pictures. I get to Drew's room. I walk in. I smell his cologne. His room was full of trophies, computer games, technical stuff. A normal 15 year olds room. I grab a few things to remember him by. And then I take a picture of his room. Trevor's room... He has his toys, books, stuffed animals, his arts and crafts, typical 8 year olds room.

I walk over to his arts and crafts table. Theres a picture half made. It's a girl holding a little boys hand. Theres a partial rainbow over them. Over the boy it said, "Baby Boy". That was my nickname for Trevor. Over the girl it read,"Dyl the best big sister and role model I could ask for". It was written in his sloppy 3rd grade hand writing. I pick it up and I take my phone out. I take a picture of his room. I run to my room. I grab an empty frame. I put the picture my Baby Boy made me in it.

"You will always be my Baby Boy". I said to myself. I grab a small photo of the entire family and tuck it into my frame. I grab my suitcase and throw my back pack on my back. I grab the frame and hold it to my chest. I walk out to the hallway. I take one last smell of the upstairs of my childhood home.

  I walk down stairs. The stairs go straight into the living room. I look, my family is there. They have white cloths over them.

  "Everyone is going to wait for you outside, so you can say your goodbyes alright?" Mikey asked. I just shook my head. Everybody leaves and I close the blinds so that the news couldn't see anything. I pull the cloth down from my dads face. I see his eyes closed and he looks peaceful. "I'll miss you daddy. Your the one who taught me to fish, to have fun in the mud, your the one who always made me laugh no matter what. Your the one who almost killed Luke when he broke my heart. Who's gonna protect me from boys now? I miss you already daddy how can I do this everyday? Just do me a favor and take care if momma, Drew and Trev up there okay? I love you daddy!!!!" I kissed his forehead and put the cloth over his face again. Next was momma. I pull the cloth down from her face.  "Oh momma where do I even start? I wanna thank you for everything you've done for me. You've helped me through boy trouble, getting hurt, everything. I know all of you guys are gonna look over me but... Momma I can't live without you guys! I need you but I know you'll be there when I need you most. I miss you so much momma. I love you momma." I kiss her forehead and pull up the cloth. Next is Drew. "Hey Drew it's munchkin. (His nickname for me). I-I just wanted to say...... I love you with all my heart. You were my role model and an amazing one you were to. You taught me to live on the fast side. You taught me what a healthy competition is. Who am I now gonna get in trouble with cause we raced each other everywhere we went. I don't know how I will be able to live knowing I will never see your cheeky smile or ever be able to boss you around ever again. Take care of Trev for me. Show him what it's like to be a good man. Help momma whenever she needs it. Help daddy with the cars and build something for me. I love you so much Drew!!!" I kiss his cheek. (Cause he was shot in the forehead). Oh boy here comes my baby boy. "Trev,.... Oh baby boy I'm sorry! I promised you as long as I'm with you, you'll be safe. I broke my promise. I'm sorry you will never be able to stand up to your bullies at school, I'm sorry you cant see what your going to be when your older, I'm sorry I let you down, but baby boy I ask one favor of you.. Can you forgive me? I know that I should have died not you. You had so much to look forward too. And........ It's my fault you can't achieve it. Baby boy I love you so much! Be good for mom and dad okay? Show Drew how to be a firecracker just like you. I will love you forever even if you hate me for not saving you from the most dangerous place in this universe... Earth. I love you Trevor!!!" I kiss his cheek to. (Cause he was also shot in the head). And then pull the cloth back up.

  I look around and decide to take a picture of everyone. I was sobbing at this point. I couldn't believe I was leaving them. I grabbed my bags and took one last look. I smile then walk out still crying. I see Mikey.

  "You ready to go?" Mikey asks me. "No but I have to." I say still crying. He takes my suit case and throws it in the back of the cop car.

  He starts to pull away. As we're about to pass my childhood home, I whisper to myself, "goodbye"

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