Beanie boy -1-

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Chapter un -Beanie boy-

"Hey, Caaaam!" I spun around. I knew that voice. I warily watched as Dannie made her way over to me, her red hair floating behind her. She ruffled my hair.

"Hi, Dannie." I smiled.

She pulled up a chair and sat down. "So, I went to this bangin' party last night," She began. "You would not guess who I saw there." She paused. "Mr. Rockwood!" I snickered and let her continue. "...It was the best party ever." She finished. People often wondered why I was best friends with a girl, it was complicated to explain but Dannie was like my other half. My redheaded sister.

"Well..." I said cracking open my Environmental Science textbook. "While I'd love to hear about your party life, I actually have a test to study for, so..." She snorted, earning a shhh from the librarian.

"He tried to get with me. I told him no, though. Did you even listen? You should come with me so you can see these things first hand. Why are you such a stick in the mud." She whined in a quieter tone. "Luke always goes with me!" I rolled my eyes, not even looking up from my text book. Luke was my-- our, I should say, even though he liked Dannie in a different way -- best friend. He was a party boy, Dannie's cohort and friend-with-benefits.

"Maybe because I actually want to pass high school with decent grades, get in to college and not work at McDonald's?" I said dryly. In one fluid movement she slammed my textbook shut, leaving me looking dazed. "What the heck, Dannie?"

She ignored my incredulous look and crossed her arms. "Cammy, it's our senior year, you should live a little!"

"Don't call me Cammy! My freaking name is Cameron!" She got on my nerves with that, she made me sound so girly. "I do know how to live, for your information." I said as I flipped back to my original page. "I've gone to parties before. There all the same, drunk, horny teenagers grinding on each other and twerking all over the freaking place. If I wanted to see that, I'd just go home and watch Miley's VMA performance." She snorted.

"Well you can't watch Naomi Austen's party on Youtube, can you?" Dannie watched smugly as I choked on the air I was in the process of inhaling.

"Naomi... Austen? How'd you score an invite?" The librarian shushed me loudly. I asked her in a quieter, but still demanding voice. "Tell me. Now." Naomi Austen was popular, but not for her good looks or charm -- even though she was pretty attractive-- it was for the awesome, verging on epic, parties she threw.

She gave me a sly look. "That's for me to know. It's going on on Friday. You game to come now?" I was torn. I needed a valid excuse to leave on Friday or else my mom would be suspicious. I would have to figure it out. "Yeah, I guess I am." I glanced at the time. "I've gotta go, I have English next period."

She rolled her eyes. "You're such a nerd Cammy." I didn't even bother correcting her this time. "I guess I'll see ya later then." I gathered up my stuff and went off to English just as the bell rang, signaling for switching.


"Now, settle down class." Mr. Sliverman said. "We have a new student today." He said it as though we didn't see the guy standing next to him. The class went into an uproar for a moment. After they settled down, Mr. Silverman said, "This is Sebastian Leroy." He gestured to the guy. " Mr. Leroy would you like to tell us about yourself?"

The tall boy stepped forward and we got a better look at him. He looked friendly. "Hello everyone." He spoke with a faint accent, he sounded the way someone did when they could speak English, but couldn't quite sound like they were American. "I'm from Paris, I have three sisters, and no, I do not make it habit to eat escargot-- snails." He added when he saw our blank American faces. There was a chorus of ewww's when he said snails.

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