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"What?" I asked Felicity incredulously, I just could not believe my ears.

"You've heard me, Oliver." Was her curt reply. "Don't act like a fool."

"I am not the one acting like a fool!" I exclaimed in a rush of anger, which I rapidly controlled with deep breaths and five years of training. "You are the one saying things that aren't true, just to find a silly excuse to break up with me." I accused her, feeling betrayed but trying not to show it.

It was my thing, not showing how I really felt to anyone but... No! That can't be true. I thought a bit scared, not that I would ever admit it.

"Oliver..." She sighed exasperatedly as if she was expecting me to act like a stupid boy throwing a tantrum.

That only angered me even more. However, I didn't take it out on her because I was expecting it. I didn't deserve this kind of happiness, no matter how much Thea and Barry try to convince me otherwise. I did horrible things and now I was paying for them, with only having my sister to love... and even she isn't trusting me much nowadays.

But what else should I have expected? I thought tiredly. I haven't done anything but lie to her since I came back. Also, her life had been turned upside down these last few years. I sighed inwardly. I just thought that Felicity would give me the decency of not lying to me. That's all I ever wanted, honesty. Just like Barry gives me every time... Stop it, Queen! You aren't in love with him!

"What is it so difficult to believe Oliver?" She asked with a kind but sad smile. "That you fell in love with a man? Or that someone was finally able to love you with all of your faults? Because let's be honest I think that from everyone around you, it is Barry the only one who truly knows you. Surely before the stupid lighting hit him..."

I winced at the memory of it. I never admitted it out loud but I was worried sick for him when I discovered about his accident. I even paid for his hospitalization and visited him a few times between my work as Green Arrow.

"... and when came to Starlight City faking being part of the CSI, he made a complete background check of Oliver Queen, Green Arrow, and Queen's consolidation." Felicity continued speaking not noticing my reactions or simply ignoring them. I do not know which one was worse. "As well as he might have made a psychological test about why Green Arrow did what he did, and must have connected all the dots from the blank spaces you leave us with. He is intelligent." I chuckled at her comment. "See?" She suddenly pointed out as if my chuckle was the answer to this dilemma.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You are never like this with us, Oliver." She sighed tiredly. "You are always defensive, with your guard up not trusting anyone. However, when you are with Barry you smile, joke, tease, you are relaxed around him. You laugh with him, Oliver!" She stressed.

"I laugh with you too!" I protested.

"But not like with Barry!" She snapped at me. "You opened up to him fast, I've never seen you take in anyone with that speed before. He understands you, I get that... but it is also something else. Something that I didn't want to admit to myself." She paused and looked at me with so much resignation, a look that made my heartache. I didn't want to be the kind of guy that ends up breaking women's hearts anymore. "He loves you."

"You love me too." I protested weakly, shaking my head.

I refused to accept what she was telling me. Fear, a little voice at the back of my head murmured. And as much as I hated it, I knew it was right.

"Damn it, Oliver! I am trying to do this the easy way, why do you have to always make it so difficult?!" She told me angrily. Not raising her voice... she never raises her voice, which only makes it worse. "He loves you. Every part of you. He idolized the old you Oliver, since the very beginning he supported you and rooted for the Hood. Even when John and I didn't trust your ways completely, Barry did. He accepted all of you, your faults, and your merits. He looks up to you, you are his role model... but one day that changed and his feelings went deeper. If that was possible," she chuckled humorlessly. "His idol became the object of his affection, romantic affection." She specified. "And you are afraid of that, Oliver. Scared that your feelings for him run way deeper than any love you have ever held for anyone before," she stated with a challenging tone. "Afraid that you might end up hurting that nice, innocent, pure and young boy that holds you high on a pedestal and looks up to you with so much devotion." A few tears rolled down her cheeks.

I stepped forward to comfort her but she raised a hand to stop me. I did as she asked of me, it was the least I could do after hurting her so much.

"You forgot about one factor in that love equation, Felicity," I told her with a strained voice, not liking what I was about to say at all. "Barry is in love with Iris." I hated how weak and pathetic I sounded when I said that. However, it was replaced with indignation when my girlfr... ex-girlfriend laughed at me. "What's so funny?!" I demanded to know, hurt by her behavior.

"What's funny is that you are such a maroon!" She exclaimed between chuckles. "Barry acted just like you did. He didn't notice what his true feeling for you was and once he did he drowned himself into what he already knew, what he was familiar with: Iris." She explained. "Also, he preferred being turned down gently and knowing that he will keep her friendship, rather than having his heart broken by you and losing your friendship."

"I would never..." She cut me off.

"Tell him that, not me. Now go Oliver, and get your man tiger." She blushed as only Felicity and began babbling cutely, the way only she does. "I... not tiger... well..."

"Just stop, Felicity." I chuckled amused by her behavior. "I'll go and talk to Barry." I turned to leave but stopped when I reached the door to turn back to her. "Thank you," I said with a soft tone and left the bunker.

I took my motorcycle and rushed towards Central City. It was a long ride but one that gave me enough time to think about what I was going to say, or which was the best way to confess. However, it also gave me a lot of time for my fears to emerge and play games with my head. Before I even knew it, I was in front of Barry's apartment and was knocking on his door.

I really need to buy him a new apartment, this neighborhood is horrendous. I commented in my head as I waited for him to open the door. I was surprised that he didn't use his super speed, but happy that he was being responsible with his powers.

"Oliver..." Barry said surprised once he had opened the door. He stood there, looking completely adorable in his Batman pajamas, bed messy brown hair, and his cute big doe eyes, looking at me so innocently confused. "What are you doing here? Did something happen? Who got hurt?..."

"Everything is alright and everyone is fine." I cut his worried rant off. "I'm here for... for another reason," I confessed and audibly swallowed. Suddenly all my nervousness came back at once. "Barry... I..."

"Oliver, are you ok?" He asked me concerned. He stepped towards me, his eyes holding so much comfort and love for me that I just couldn't believe I was able to live without it before.

"Felicity broke up with me," I suddenly blurted out.

"Ahm..." He mumbled, shocked at my confession. I noticed a glint of happiness glimmering in his eyes, a glint that made me hope that Felicity might have been right. But then it disappeared and was replaced with guilt and concern. "What? Why?" He asked me totally lost. "You were the perfect couple and loved each other so much!"

"No, we weren't and we didn't," I replied. "She broke it off because she knew."

"Knew what?" Barry asked, still confused.

"This," I just replied, yanking him into a kiss. For a second he just stood frozen, I feared that I might have overstepped my boundaries and was wrong about his feelings, but then he suddenly began to kiss me back and I finally was able to relax and enjoy the kiss. We only broke apart when air was necessary. I looked down into his eyes, getting lost in his lovely green eyes, and confessed: "I love you, Barry Allen."

He sagged in relief and almost collapsed against me, but I was fast and held him tight by the waist. He then threw his head backwards and laughed, a true laugh from the bottom of his heart.

"I love you too, Oliver Queen." He confessed to me, he then gave me a small kiss and dragged me into his apartment.

Let's just say that I didn't make it back to Starlight City that night...

Cupid's fast arrow [Arrow/The Flash Crossover] {Finally moving on Book 1}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें