"Don't be such a party pooper Kade, they can join in on the fun!" She jumped up pulling me to the kitchen by the hand.

"Yeah Kade, don't be such a party pooper." Logan jumped in. I just about fucking smacked him.

"There will be no fun that you can enjoy going on here you horny little bastard."

Logan and Shane followed us into the kitchen and watched with me as Faith raided the cabinets. She claimed she was hungry and took out just about every junk food they had in the house. Damn munchies hit her bad. One second she was eating a spoonful of peanut butter and the next shoveling sugar into her mouth.

Soon we heard a gasp erupt from her mouth. "You know what sounds good? Spaghetti!"

"I think you've had enough to eat tonight." Shane stated, trying to get her to sit down. Of course, as soon as we tried to get her to sit, she had something else in mind. She bolted across the room and around the corner. She's making this difficult. Can't she just be one of the chill stoners? It's like the weed amplified her energy. Logan and Shane darted after her, not knowing where she went. I stood in place as they chased her around the house, failing to catch her. They're barely trying, they could easily catch her.

"A little help dude? She's you're girlfriend after all." Shane grunted.

Just then she scurried back into the room and stood on one of the counters reaching for something in a high shelf. The spaghetti. She's not even short. I bet she could've reached it standing on the ground.

"You know, I think squirrels really love spaghetti. There's really nothing to suggest that this is true, but I believe they do. I mean, squirrels, spaghetti, it just makes sense..." I could visibly see her unsteadiness and acted on quick whim. Her foot stepped on the corner causing her to tumble down off the counter, hurdling towards the ground, but instead landing in my arms. "That being said," she spoke much more softly, "I love you as much as I think squirrels love spaghetti." She wrapped her arms around my neck and quickly kissed my nose.

"As cute as that is, we need to get you to bed," I stated placing her back on her feet. How idiotic could I be? Of course she'd dash as soon as I put her down. "Do you think Cristian keeps any chloroform here?"

"Dude?!?" Shane shouted, kind of, but not so shocked.


"You can't just chloroform everyone. Especially since it's your girlfriend, and your best friend's sister. He'd want to kill you more than he already does."

"Well I'm already dead after he finds out about this, so might as well go out with a bang."

"Whatever dude, I'll go find Logan and Faith you call Lexi and figure out if she knows how to get Faith to calm down or sleep or something!" He reached his phone out to me so I could call Lexi and mutter how big of a dumbass I am before walking off.

Shane, what's up? Why are you calling so late?

Lexi? This is Kaden. So, um, I honestly don't know how to explain my predicament without just putting it bluntly.

Then do so.

I got Faith high.

You did what?!??

Proving You Wrongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें