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"I'm you."

I'm dreaming Yoongi thought to himself.

"No, you're not."  present Yoongi says to the other, across the table making the other frown.

"It's not even worth explaining. Look, I have this photo album. It's very important that you look at it." The future Yoongi placed a thin book in front of his past self.

"This is all very confusing I'm sure, but you need to see it to understand why I'm here." Future Yoongi flipped to the first page.

"Here's you, next week, meeting the love of your life."

The picture depicts an attractive, but unkempt and tired young man at a coffee shop, Yoongi knew instantly that it was himself in the photograph.

The picture claims to show exact moment he bumps into a head full of black shiny hair and eyes full of life. It was him, his own self, in a scenario he has yet to experience, Yoongi was sure of that as bizarre as it sounded and looked.

Yoongi looked hazily at the cute boy he bumped into, slipping coffee all over the floor, instantly apologizing for his mistake as the younger boy smiled gently and pushed the fringe out of his hair to fully look into the olders eyes, "it's okay."

"How did--"

"His name is Jimin. Park Jimin. You'll meet him Thursday." The future Yoongi smiled down at the picture, nostalgia lingering in his eyes before turning the page to the next picture.


So, you guys sure you wanna read the heartbreak in the end of this book? (;

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