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Yoongi's eyes flickered open.


Nothing should have flickered. He rolled over with a groan, only now noticing the vomit that covered his chest and bed.

Can't even do this right.

Yoongi reached to turn on his bedside lamp, knocking over an empty bottle meant for pills.

His second botched attempt at his life; the scars from the first failure still mocked him from their permanent residence on his wrists.

At least this failure wasn't as visible. Everything hurt. His stomach now emptied of pills was filled with what seemed to be sharp rocks, his head pounded as if recently struck.

Movement was difficult, like his blood had been replaced with freshly poured cement. Still, Yoongi sat up, surveyed the damage done to himself and his surroundings, and decided none of it mattered.

Yoongi lumbered his way to the bathroom, sounds of the city blaring through the open window, bringing with them the cold January winds.

You're a mess, he laments to the ghost in the mirror. He slams the window shut, pondering on why it's open in the dead of winter.

Yoongi began his morning routine, autopilot kicking in. First things first: coffee. He slowly progresses down the corridor, hand on the wall for stability.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Did he say that? It sounded like him. He did say that, but he said it from the seat across from him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm you."



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