chapter 6: Relax

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He then went to sit peacefully back on the couch, kicking off his shoes, and putting his feet up on the coffee table, trying to relax after a long hard day.

Mal went back down stairs. As soon as Jackel heard footsteps coming down he saw Mal in her black and blue striped PJs.

"Getting ready for bed already angel?" Jackel asked smiling at Mal.

"Shut up," Mal said trying to ignore his compliment of calling her an angel.

"Okay fine," he lays back and turns on the TV.

Mal sat on the couch next to Jackel, Jackel kept flipping through channels, but couldn't find anything good on.

"Wait stop you passed my favorite TV show, " Mal said grabbing the remote from him and changing it back to channel 198. There on the TV screen was a fallen angel boy protecting a girl, Jackel assumed that the boy loved the girl in the TV show.

"What is this show?" Jackel asked, wondering.

"The show is called my fallen angel," Mal said watching it smiling delightfully at the TV screen.

Jackel saw her smile, and a tiny smile appeared across his face, but then he sighed thinking to himself, why is it that I can't be someone you would want. He sighed again and then looked at the TV screen with his arms and legs crossed, watching the show silently.

In the middle of the show Mal saw how quiet Jackel was, she asked "how come you didn't interrupt my show or be annoying or something?"

"Cause you seem to be enjoying yourself so I thought I just sit quietly and watch," he said calmly looking at Mal gazing into her green eyes.

"Your being odd today," Mal declared and then paused the TV.

"How am I being odd? I already told you I can be charming, but I am an asshole at times," Jackel said calmly still gazing into Mal's eyes.

"I know, but I'm so use to you being an asshole, and taking my food, and now you're all charming and shit," Mal said trying to avoid his eyes looking straight into hers.

"And is that bad?" Jackel asked rhetorically.

"Well no, but-" Mal got cut off by Jackel and he said, "But what Mal? What's wrong with me being nice all of a sudden?"

Mal mutts lowly glaring and looking away hating to admit the truth, "if you end up keeping this up I might actually like you,"

"What was that?" Jackel asked.

"Nothing let's just go back to the fucking show okay," Mal said unpausing the show and continued to watch the rest of the show silently.

After the show Mal went upstairs and was about to go to sleep, but as she was walking up the stairs she realize that Jackel wasn't following her upstairs.

"You're not following me upstairs," she asked surprised.

"Nope I'll sleep down here, plus remember what I said, you know that I'll stop climbing into your bed sleeping next to you," Jackel said grabbing a pillow and blanket. He tried to get cozy on the couch.

Mal thought back and recalled him saying that, but she didn't actually think he meant it.

"Alright good night," Mal went upstairs and got cozy in her bed and fell asleep.

It was three o'clock in the morning and Mal could not sleep anymore so she got up brushed her teeth, then went down stairs and went to bug Jackel. As she went down she found him sound asleep cocooned in his blanket. She saw around the floor was his shirt and pants. She thought to herself, he is sleeping half naked again isn't he?

Mal stood their for a while thinking of ways to bug Jackel while he sleeps and then finally she knew what could bug him. Jackel turned facing up in the direction of the ceiling as he slept which allowed Mal to sit on his stomach which caused him to wake up.

"What in Hades are you sitting on me for?" Jackel whined.

I wanted to bug you," Mal said casually.

"Why?" Jackel asked.

"Because to be honest I don't like this charming you so I thought maybe bugging you would turn you back into an asshole," Mal said looking at her nails.

Jackel sighed and then sat up and hugged her then he tugged a bit on her ponytail.

"Hey what was that for?" Mal said glaring.

"For being the most weirdest, funniest, prettiest, and pain in the ass girl I ever met," he said smiling at her.

Mal couldn't help, but smile back and said," now that's much better, though you being an asshole can be annoying as fuck, it is what makes my life more interesting. " She sighed in relief then .

"Oh so I'm interesting to you if I'm an asshole huh?" His face brushed up a little close to Mal's then he kissed her cheek and then pushed her off him and got up from the couch quickly.

"I didn't mean it that way dumbass" Mal shouted, she grabbed a pillow and threw it toward him, but he caught it. she was a little mad about him kissing her cheek, but at same time a little smile blossomed across her face. Jackel still not fully dressed turned around and saw Mal's tiny little smile bloom.

"What?" Mal said not realizing she was smiling.

"Nothing," Jackel smiled back, then looked the other way.

"Well I'm gonna make Cinnamon rolls for breakfast want one?" Mal asked headed toward the kitchen.

"Sure, hey wait isn't that tiger in the extra bedroom?" Jackel asked.

"Yeah and he or she isn't too happy this morning," Mal said putting on her apron.

Jackel went upstairs to the extra bedroom and slowly opened the door.

"Hey buddy you okay?" Jackel asked the tiger. The tiger roared and moved its tail around. Jackel came a little closer to the tiger, reaching his hand out to it. Slowly and slowly his hand moved, but when his hand finally met the tigers orange coat he pet the tiger, and the tiger stood calm.
"Don't you have a name?" Jackel whispered looking for a name tag on the tiger. He then saw a pink name tag and saw that her name is Lily.

"Lily huh? well don't you worry girl I will get you something to eat, does meat sound good?" Jackel asked the tiger petting her head. Lily roared a soft roar and then laid on the left side of her body. Jackel chuckled then walked out the room closing the door behind him. Jackel went downstairs and he sat on then stopped. He quietly watched Mal cook some cinnamon rolls for breakfast. She looks like an angel,he thought. Jackel was always stunned and his heart would race whenever he saw her beautiful face. Mal glanced at Jackel from the corner of her eye and said "Earth to Jackel are you okay?"

"Huh? oh me ha I'm fine," Jackel said snapping out of la la land.

"You kind of have a staring problem don't you?" Mal asked.

"Me? nah I was just watching you cook that was all," Jackel said now looking the other way. He then went back upstairs to shower. Meanwhile Mal was cooking the cinnamon rolls, she turned on the radio, and played "Ain't it Fun" by paramore and blasted the radio high high while making them. While cooking them she began to dance a little. Jackel heard the song playing from downstairs, he then got out the shower and fully dressed himself to see if the cinnamon rolls were ready. As he was halfway down the stairs he saw Mal singing and dancing to the song on the radio. He chuckled a bit, and when Mal heard his chuckle she looked up at Jackel and then stopped dancing and singing she was a bit embarrassed. "Don't laugh," Mal said embarrassed looking down cooking cinnamon rolls. "Why not it was funny, and kinda adorable," Jackel said smiling coming down again.

"Hey Mal what were you like when you were little?" Jackel asked heading towards the kitchen curious about Mal and her past. Mal thought back trying to remember what she was like as a little girl. She couldn't think of anything, she couldn't think of friends, all she knew was her parents, but she can't really think of much about her parents.

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