chapter 2: The Restaurant

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(Yeah the guy on left is Jackal and right is his evil twin you will meet a bit later)

"Yeah, you kinda have to be civilized and mannered if you want to go in," Mal said, looking up at Jackel and then said, "I don't know about you, but I don't think you would be able to get in."

Jackel put a hand on his chest and said, "Ouch, that's kind of mean."

"Just being honest. You know, sometimes the truth hurts," Mal said.

"You're a feisty person, aren't you?" he said.

"Yes, is that a problem?" she said while getting out of the car.

Jackel got out of the car and followed behind Mal, but tripped over his own foot. Mal looked behind her and saw Jackel get up quickly. Mal busted up laughing and said, "Do you you always trip?"

"Nah, I don't usually fall for girls unless she's something special," Jackels said. Mal ignored his sweet words, went to the kitchen and put on her white apron.

"Jackel, just sit on that chair and don't do anything, okay?" Mal said, beginning to help fill in orders already.

"As long as I get to watch you cook, then I am fine." he said smiling at Mal.

Mal's friend at work, Cherry, came to help her fill in the orders. Cherry was 23, with beach blonde hair and pink highlights. She had cute freckles and lips pink as petals. Her skin was white as snow, but had pink flushed cheeks.

When Cherry saw Jackel, she jumped up and squealed.

"Mal, who is this gorgeous guy you brought in?" Cherry whispered in Mal's ear.

"A stalker guy my aunt sent me." Mal whispered back.

"Aw, I want a cute creepy stalker." Cherry said while helping Mal.

"No, you don't, he eats my food and sleeps half naked in my fucking bed. I want him gone." Mal complained.

"He sleeps half naked in your bed?" Cherry asked.

"Yes, but that's not the point here. It is just too weird." Mal said, still cooking. Mal was making a fine lobster with salad for table twenty.

"Can I have him, since you don't want him around?"Cherry asked, innocently.

"I'm not leaving you with crazy at your house." Mal said.

Cherry and Mal were finished with table twenty's dish and continued to fix up the other dishes. Jackel sat back and watched. Soon Mal's boss, Connie, came and saw Jackel.

"Mal, Cherry, who is this?" Connie asked. Connie is 45 years old, yet she still looked like she was in her late 30's. She had all natural red hair and green eyes.

"A stalker guy that follows Mal, I wish he followed me." Cherry said.

"That's Jackel." Mal said.

Jackel waved at Connie and slouched a bit on the chair he was sitting on.

"Can he cook?" Connie asked Mal. Mal was about to answer when she got cut off.

"I can cook." Jackel said rolling up his sleeves.

"This should be fun to watch." Mal said, interested and hoping it becomes a complete disaster. Jackel read the cookbook, repeated the recipe for shrimp cocktail out loud then snapped his fingers. Then, boom, a shrimp cocktail appeared right on the counter.

"How did you do that?" Mal asked with her eyes wide.

"He's a wizard." Cherry said.

Mal rolled her eyes.

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