Chapter 9: The Mirage Pokemon

Start from the beginning

"I want to stay out. I want to be able to protect you." I dropped down to my knees and hugged him.

"Thank you so much." He snuggled into my arms. I picked him up and we headed outside into the sunlight.

"So do you believe that Mew took you to that Mirage Island?" Gary asked finally as we headed out of the town and towards Vermillion City once again.

"Yes, I do. Mew told me we were in the Orange Islands, but that doesn't mean that she was telling the truth, if the Mirage Island is the home of the Mirage Pokemon Mew, then I'm sure that's where I was taken and that's where Mew healed my injuries."

"You know you never finished your story." Sabrina stated.

"Right I didn't, Mew seems to know me and seems to know more about my past than I do. She told me that she was ordered to watch over me and make sure I didn't die. So I think this has something to do with Sinnoh as well."

"Sinnoh? You mean the region far to the south of here?" Gary asked. I nodded.

"Yes, apparently that was where I was from. I have that feeling at least. I have to know if there is someone in Sinnoh that was meant to watch over me when I was there and when I was abandoned in this region they gave the job to Mew. Which mean other Pokemon were meant to originally watch me." That's when I saw the entrance to Vermillion City. A few hours had passed since we had started on our way to this city, explaining that story took a while.

"So you believe that other Legendary Pokemon were meant to take care of you, but they can't leave their region and so the job of protecting you was given to Mew? You think we're going to believe that?" Gary exclaimed.

"I don't expect you to, I hardly believe it, but then why would Mew tell me something like that?"

"Maybe you imagined it, maybe another Pokemon healed your wounds and maybe you're just imagining you met this Pokemon." Gary tried to rationalize what I had explained.

"Well we'll find out when we meet Lt. Surge." I said and then rushed to the Gym once we were in town. Growlithe had jumped from my arms and was running at my side with Umbreon.

I opened the gym doors and looked inside.

"I've come to speak with the Gym Leader Lt. Surge." I demanded and walked inside.

"Well pip-squeak, only people who beat me get to know anything about me." A large man with blonde hair stood there with a Raichu beside him.

"Very well then I challenge you for the Thunder Badge." He laughed and we took our places at opposite sides of the arena.

"Each trainer will use one Pokemon each." The ref stated.

"Be careful, Kat. Lt. Surge is not a trainer to take lightly." Sabrina said and Gary nodded once.

"Raichu let's finish this quickly so we can have lunch." I looked down at Growlithe.

"Do you think you can battle?" He nodded sharply and jumped forward into the arena.

"Ah the pip-squeak chose a pip-squeak!" Surge laughed with the other trainers in his gym.

"Growlithe, let's show him we're far from being pip-squeaks." Growlithe jumped towards Raichu.

"Raichu use Thunderbolt!" I giggled.

"Growlithe dodge and use Flamethrower!" Growlithe moved to the side and then used Flamethrower on Raichu. I watched Raichu fall to the ground.

"Raichu!" Raichu rose, struggling.

"You lack speed and that is your downfall." I said and looked at Growlithe. "Use Agility, then use Fire Spin." Growlithe used Agility and rushed around Raichu making the Pokemon dizzy. Then used Fire Spin to make the Pokemon finally fall for the last time.

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