Chapter 41

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Finnick's PoV :
I have invited all our to a small church Annie doesn't know what I'm planning but everyone else does so Katniss is going to bring Annie to the church where we will have a small wedding ceremony and then Boggs has given me permission to leave the base for 2 weeks to go on our honey moon I'm taking her to some of the districts Katniss my sister has agreed to look after the twins she's such a good mum when I found out Katniss what my sister I was really happy I'm not even going to lie
Annie arrives at the church everyone stands looking at her she walks over to me at the front of the alter we
Say our vows then we exchange rings the rings I would have if Peeta wasn't as good as surprises as he is then we say our I do's we are officially husband and wife and I'd love to see Katniss get married and see her her in a beautiful dress she is always happy with Peeta and they are really cute together
The after party went really quickly now we are on the way to district one where we will stay for a couple of days

Katniss PoV
Finnick and Annie are now married and I wish for me and Peeta to be one day when the timing is right he's an amazing person he is so sweet and kind and I love him in every single way I mean we are engaged but we haven't started to plan the wedding yet we where informed that the war will only last another 7 months by then I would have my other little baby in my arms and me and Peeta will be happy as Peeta can't fight as I'm pregnant so I'm just lucky the rules work like that here also when we get home Finnick is taking me ,Peeta and Annie to lunch to meet my day for the first time on over 10 years I honestly can't wait Finnick gave me my dads phone number the other day and I've been talking to him a lot I haven't mentioned me being pregnant yet or that I already have a baby boy because I feel that is something to say face to face not over the phone Annie and Finnick have left for there honeymoon and me and Peeta are looking after the twins for them I've already put them to bed and me and Peeta just lay on out bed enjoying each others company

Sorry nothing exciting in this chapter let me know what you think thank you so so much everyone

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