
Last night was very horrible for JiMin . The evil soul already left her body . But since it had became part of her , the removal time was taking much longer and harder than expected . It's not just about removing her evil soul but also purified her blood back because it just lived in demon's blood . After this , she won't be called as devil or anything . She just a body with empty soul that wait for the time to die .

Seeing Halla was struggling herself when the soul was in the process of leaving , it did hurt him of watching her like that . Her face is paler , her body became weaker .

That day , he take a day-off to take care of her . It's early in the morning , JiMin who was staying right beside her from last night , is stroking her head .

How can you be so selfless when you can do better with other's help ?

He is walking out from her room and walk to the kitchen first . While walking out from the room , he take out the jar out of his pocket .

Will it worth ? , he is reconsidering the plan .

Then , he put it back inside the pocket . When he open the fridge to grab some plain water , his phone vibrate . It's JungKook . Without doubt , he answer his call .

"Where are you ? I'm waiting for you in front of the school gate but you never show . Also , where is my tablemate ? When she will comeback ? I miss her like a lot "

"I'm taking care of her today . She is not in a well condition ." , while walking towards the living room .

"Ah , really . So , I have to be alone today , right ? It's going to be a long day today . But , hey "

"Can I come to your house today ?" , suddenly , he have a good chance about his plan .

He is taking a peek into her room before saying that , "Instead of coming to my house , how about we meet at in front of the church ? I have a gift to give you " , then , JungKook agree to meet him at the church front yard at that evening and the call end .

Then , he heard a squeaking sound inside of her room and he quickly get into her room . Halla is struggling on trying to sit and he help her as soon as seeing her like that .

"Thanks , JiMin " , she is smiling with her eyes still half shut and try to sit comfortably . JiMin find that's cute and he chuckles .

"It had been a long time , right ?" , she still answer with her smile .

"Do you have any ache at any part of your body ?" , he's being caring .

"I was just tired . But as long as I see your smile , the tired just gone away " , he flick her head .

"Since when my smile made your tiredness gone away ? Such a kid . Don't try to put me at ease , because I already know everything . Your evil soul thrown up everything on how you end up like this . So , this is for giving me a hard time living with your evil soul " , followed by another flick on her head .

"It hurt ", JiMin is trying to leave the room coldly while hiding a smile behind that .

"Should I flick your head again ? " , without turning to her .

"Then , what that's flick for ?"

For making me worry ...

"For being a spoiled girl in front of me . ", then , he left the room and shut the door tightly.

He try to cook for breakfast . Yeah , it's not his first time but actually everything will turn bad as soon as he try to cook by himself . He want to make a toast for both of them . As he reach for plain bread , Halla came out from her room while tying her hair up .

"Let me help "

"No , you just sit and watch . Rest please " , he force her to sit . And she stay still .

"You're the one that saying to not being a spoiled . Now , you just want me to rest ? Please , JiMin-shi . I need to help you or both of us won't be able to eat anything for breakfast "

"Hey , I'm not that bad , okay ?"

"Yes , you're . The day when I was sitting home alone , your toast taste bad and made me lose appetite for the whole day "

"Yah ! How can you be so honest ? For my sake , can't you playfully lie to me ? It hurt my pride "

"I don't even know that you have pride . So , I'm sorry . Come on , bring me the egg , bowl and fork . And you can slice the bread and spread the margarine on it . ", JiMin speechlessly following her instruction . But he is happier now that the house is not fill with her gloomy face but only with her annoying complaint . He just love it when she is like that . During breakfast , both of them are bickering on who make the toast the best .

She know she is sicked but she don't want to know that she is . It will just make her remind of her death . It's better like this . I want her to keep hiding that because I can't live without her smile now . Smile ?

'Her happiness was when she lived with his family . If you want her to be happy , just kept him out from knowing that she was a part of his past ..'

Of course I want you to be happy . But , sacrificing yourself above love is just not fair for him . He need to know who you really are when he was a part of your happiness in the past . Forgive me , Halla . I know his parents is important to you but to me you are more important . I know you want him to remember you too for at least but since you'd pleaded that , you couldn't take the other way around ..

I think I already like you , Halla ..

But I can't force you to like me back because your love to him still too strong and that's a barrier for me ..

For the time that left , I want you to be happy and forgoes all your worries . Because both of us will be with you till the end of your life ..


A/N :

It'd been a long time since the last update . I'm just done with my final examination last Friday , but I miss my home than I miss you guys . Just kidding , of course I miss you guys even you guys don't really miss me . But , I don't care . I want to miss you guys too ..Hehe ..

This semester break will take 3 months long and I totally got no plan at all how to spend on it .  Except for eating , sleep and walking inside the house . But I know , my mom will always asking me to tidy up our house . Because , it's like a magic you know . Whenever I came back home from semester break , the house will become such a huge mess . It's like World War III just end...

Huh ..

Okay , guys ! Thank you for reading ^_^ 

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