Chapter 8

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Laura's POV:
I was running, anywhere, anywhere I could think of. I thought about heading home, but I knew that they would look there. Maybe the library, nah they knew I'd go there too. I try to think of somewhere I don't usually go to, but I love going. I run to the peaceful place I love. The sand is warm, but still perfect. The waves crashing on the shore sound like the perfect song. I calm down a bit. Then I realize what I'm wearing. I decide to sneak home, knowing that they are probably there now, and get some beach clothes, maybe even a bathing suit, then head back here. I was already running home.
Rydels POV:
Ross came back after a few minutes, realizing that he would need help. We decided to split into groups. The first group was Ryland and Rocky, they would go look for laura at the library. The second group was Calum and Raini, they would look for her at the A&A set. The third group was Kelly and maia, they were going to look for her around the neighborhood. Ross, Vanessa, and Riker were going to search around the town because they knew laura best. Well ross and Vanessa did, Riker was just stayng with Vanessa because she needed it. I look around and notice that the only person who is left is... Gulp... Ratliff. Kelly looks annoyed, and ell looks worried. This can't be good.
Ross's POV:
We decided we would send an sos message if we saw laura, and headed different ways. Vanessa and Riker were in the back. Vanessa was shaking, and Riker was trying to calm her down. I wish I had someone to calm me down. And not maia, I need laura.
Rydel's POV:
Ratliff and I were in the car, headed to Laura's house. Everything was silent until Ell said, "I saw that tweet about you having a crush on me when we first met." I laugh, trying not to sound nervous, "Yeah, I was young and foolish." "Oh, so you're saying only fools could love me? I'm sure Kelly doesn't think of herself as a fool," he puts a hand to his heart. I roll my eyes, "That's not what I said." "Whatever Delly!" He fake punches me in the arm. I look at my phone and notice that Titus, one of my bestfriends, had made a tweet, 'Why can't she see how much I love her?' (A.N. Yes I did make that tweet up) I wonder who he's talking about? He usually tells me these things. We're almost as good of friends as Ratliff and I. If Ratliff wasn't in the picture, I think that I might've been with Titus. I comment on the tweet saying, 'Aw she's missing out on an amazing guy!!! <3<3<3' 'Thanks Dels, I don't know what I would do without you!' He immediately writes back. I end it with saying, 'Anytime(-:' I look from my phone to Ratliff and wonder 'Which one???'
Ratliff's POV:
I look towards Rydel and she's staring at me. "What is it?" I ask. "Nothing, just tweeting Titus," she looks down at her phone. I don't know why, but it hurt when she said that. "Cool," I mutter. We get to Lauras house and she went to search around outside, and I'm inside. We split up, and I look around, not being able to get Delly out of my mind.
Laura's POV:
Thank goodness I just made it out of the house. I jump from my window, but then I hear something inside. I duck under the window just in time. I wait a few seconds, making sure I don't still hear the person, and look back in. I get a glimpse of who it is, and see its Ratliff. They must be looking for me. I start to run but someone stops me.
Rydel's POV:
I found Laura! She turns around, not knowing it was me. "Uh oh," she whispers. "Don't worry, before I can argue with you about how dumb that was, we need to talk. Where are you heading?" I ramble. "The beach," she answers. "I'm coming with!" I smile. "What about Ratliff?" She asks. "I'll go tell him I think I know where you are, but you will probably only talk to me," I come up with a great idea. "You should grab a swimsuit," she recommends. I nod, go inside and take care of everything, including the bikini, and meet up with Laura. Ratliff doesn't have a clue:-)
Laura's POV:
Rydel and I start walking to the beach. I ask her what she wanted to talk about, but she said to wait until we got to the beach. We finally arrived, finding the perfect spot. It was secluded so we could have privacy. Thankfully, I had remembered to bring towels so we laid them down and sat on them. "Now spill!" "I think I might like Titus but he likes some other girl," she says really fast. "What about Ratliff?" I ask. "I still love him, I just don't know how I feel about Titus," she explains. "Well, I love Rydellington, but I could learn to love Tydel," I laugh. She grins at me, "You want to go in the water?" "Sure!" I smile. She takes off her hello kitty shirt and shorts to reveal a hello kitty bikini. I laugh, "That's the one you got me."  She nods. I take off my red dress and she notices my bikini. "Yellow?" She raises an eyebrow. "It was the only one I could find," I lie. She just mumbles under her breath. We run into the water and start splashing eachother. We swim for a while and when we get out and look at our phones we see that it's eight o'clock. We both have a lot of texts and missed calls. "Will you please come home tonight? You can sleep over!" Rydel begs. "Fine, but Raini and Vanessa have to stay too. And I'm not promising that I'll be happy," I complain. We head home and I worry about Ross. I don't want to see him. But I have my bestfriends and that's all I need. Sisters before misters! Then I realize something. "Rydel, we were just at the beach. As in where Ross and Maia fell in love!!" I start to cry. "Laura trust me. Ross loves you!!" She hugs me. We keep walking and we finally get to the Lynch house. We open the door and everyone looks at me. Then Ross walks out of the other room and notices everyone's faces. "What's wrong guys?" He stops when he sees me, and his eyes bulge and his mouth drops.

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