Chapter 7

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Laura's POV:
I woke up in my bed, my dad must've put me there. I felt my face, and there were dried up tears. And then I remember last night. And I regret everything. I should've believed ross, I should know that him and maia don't have feelings for eachother. Just then my mom walks in and tells me that I'm not going to set today. And I respond with, "I'm fine mom, I'm not gonna let one night change anything!" "No, the sets not open today, Ross has to do some teen beach thing, and the producers think you all need a day off," she explains. I nod my head in agreement, then lay down again, I wasn't going to complain about sleeping in. Then I start to think about how I needed to talk to ross and sort this out. I was going to go to his house later this afternoon, after whatever he had scheduled for today. I texted Rydel and asked her when ross would be back, and she said he would be back by 4, then asked why. All I said was I needed to talk to him. She laughed and said shed see me then. Then I call Raini and ask her to come with me to the lynch house, and to bring Calum. She said she was on it. I hung up. Lastly, I yell out my door to Vanessa to meet me at lynch house at 3:20. Then I knew I had great support.
Ross's POV:
I woke up for this meeting, dry tears on my face. I still can't believe last night! I just wish that I never got involved with teen beach movie. Not really, but I do wish that I never agreed to all this publicity. How much promoting do you have to do for one movie??? I got up and got ready. I had on a red tshirt, for laura, and some jeans and black converse. I ran out to my car and jumped in the drivers seat, yelling bye to everyone as I did so. Once I was seated, I got a text from maia. 'Can you please pick me up? I'm not in the mood for driving.' I texted back, 'Tell me about it when I get there in ten.' I reached her house nine minutes later, a minute to spare. She came out in a plain blue dress, with a belt at the waist, and some ballet flats. This was the first time I've seen her in something just the least bit casual. She jumped in, thanked me for the ride, and I started driving. "So what's wrong?" I ask. "R, R, Ramy broke up with me last night!" She started sobbing. "What?" I look at her. "He... He thinks I like you..." She looks at her hands. "Why? Because of all the promotions?" I raise my eyebrows. "He says we act like a couple," she explains. I was about to tell her to dont feel bad, because laura and I had been going out, but she broke up with me because of the same reason last night, but we were already there. "We'll finish this talk later," she smiles. We walk inside and see the rest of the main cast. The order around the table went...
Maia, Grace, Garrett, Johny, Chrissie, the director, and then me.
That's weird, the whole cast usually comes to these things. "Okay everyone, I have a huge announcement. We all know that everyone loved the movie, but they also love the actors in it, specifically, the actors together," the director starts. My eyes widen, hoping that what I thinks going on is wrong. "We are going to have you guys pretend to be couples," he smiles. No... No no no... No no no no no!!! Laura won't believe me when I tell her it's for promoting. "And, the only people who are going to know its only for publicity are in this room!" He explains. My mouth drops. I can't do this, I have to get laura back, not get together with maia. I mean she's great and all, but she's just a friend. "John and Chrissie is the first 'couple'," he points to them. "Actually, we were going to announce today, we are actually going out!" Chrissie grabs Johnny's hand. We all congratulate them. "The second couple is the one from the sixties, Grace and Garrett!" He Grins at them. They look at eachother and blush. "Is this okay with you?" They say at the same time. They smile and look down. "And of course the couple known as 'Raia', Ross and Maia!!!" He gets up and hugs Maia and I. "I'm sorry, but I just went through a break up last night!!" Maia complains. Grace hugs her, knowing how much maia loves ramy. "I did too!" I mention. "What? Who was your girlfriend?" Maia looks at me. "This was what I was trying to tell you about earlier-" I get cut off by the director. "No Time for this. You can talk as boyfriend and girlfriend later!" "We're not going out!!!" We yell. "Remember that contract you signed? It says otherwise!" He shoots back. We both sigh. There's no use in arguing, even though I really want to. What am I going to do about laura, the love of my life.
Laura's POV:
I was at the lynch house, and it was 3:40. I had twenty minutes until Ross got back, and I apologize, and hopefully we would get back together. I was wearing a white shirt, yellow skinny jeans, and black converse, and of course an r5 pick necklace, just for Ross. I was ready because everyone said they were a 100% behind me. I had on a huge smile. They were the best. The order around the room was Mark, Stormie, Ryland, Calum, Riker, Vanessa, me, Raini, Rydel, Kelly, Ratliff, and Rocky. We talk until 4:00, but we are stopped by Ross walking in, with Maia.
Ross's POV:
On the way home, maia and I came up with a story when they asked us about our "relationship". We came up with a story that I was sure would convince everyone. Now it was time to see.
Laura's POV:
My heart shattered. I shook it off, thinking maybe they came together as friends. But my heart wouldn't listen to my head. "Hey guys!" Ross says. And then he notices Vanessa and Raini and Calum... And me. His eyes bulge when he sees me. This can't be good. "Everyone, we have big news! Ross and I are going out!" She grabs his hand. Tears fill my eyes. Ross sees me and gives me a sad look. "How did this happen?" We all stare at them. "Well since laura and I broke up last night, and ramy and maia broke up, we realized that we had feelings for eachother," Ross says, his voice not sounding like it agreed with what he just said. I looked from Vanessa, to Raini, to Rydel, then across the room. Everyone was looking at me. "Well I better go. I'll see you at home Vanessa," I stand up. "Stay!" Raini pulls me down. I really don't want anyone to see me cry, so I look at her and nod no. She then whispers in my ear, "He's faking it!" "Yeah right!" I'm on the verge of tears. Then, Vanessa grabs my hand and drags me into the other room, Rydel and Raini following. We are now alone in the guest bedroom. He's faking it! I can tell it!" Vanessa looks me in the eyes. "I can tell too! I mean he is my brother," Rydel joins in. "Guys, I know he likes maia. There's no point in denying it!" I Then I hear maia tell ross that shed be right back, then a knock on the door. Raini opened it, and there was maia. "Laura-" she starts. "It's okay maia. I know ross has feelings for you," I interrupt. "No Laura. You don't understand!" She tries to make me feel better. "I got it. I really should be going," I walk out the door. And then the front door.
Vanessa's POV:
The rest of us run out of the room, and I was going to chase her down, but Ross stopped me. "I've got it!" He assures me. "Just make sure not to mess it up like you've already done!" I stare at him. He looks hurt, but shakes it off and runs out the door, and I go sit next to Riker, worrying about my sister the entire time.
Ross's POV:
I wasn't going to rest until I found laura. I didn't know what I was going to say. I might have to tell her the promotional plan. But I don't even know if she will believe me. I just pray that she will, because I love her.

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