"Hey, is this a rescue or a romantic comedy?" Raph says. "Get her out of there already!"

"You just keep an eye out for more Foot," Leonardo says. "Or for Shredder. Sara, help me out here."

I walk up to the door and kneel at the height of the lock. I take out an arrow and start to place it inside the lock moving it around hopefully to open it.

"An arrow?" Karai asks, confused. "Sara, I don't think that will do any-"

The lock clicks, allowing me to open the door. When it does, I smirk playfully at Karai. "You were saying?"

She actually smiles back at me. I stand aside so that Leonardo can slice the handcuffs restraining Karai and we start to leave. I lend Karai my own Katana (despite her protests about honor and how ninjas don't give away their weapons).

"Anyway," she says after taking my katana, "how did you get past Tiger Claw?"

"They didn't!" Tiger Claw's menacing voice fills the room.

As usual, Raphael is the first one to try and attack Tiger Claw followed by me. I use an arrow to protect myself and put it next to his arm so that it can shock him.

"Is that all you've got, pathetic Human Turtle?!" He threatens me.

"Wait till you see the full package!" I reply and roundhouse kick his head. I crouch so that Karai can leap over me and knee him in the neck, and then Leonardo charges with both his katanas. Tiger Claw dodges this last attack.

"Donnie!" Leonardo says through his comlink. "We could use that cavalry!"

"Got it!" I hear Donnie through my own link. "I hope with whistle works on cats."

Tiger Claw gets angrier, and he starts punching us away one by one. Luckily, Donnie unleashes the whistle he was planning to use which is perfect to damage Tiger Claw's ears.

"Move!" Leonardo yells, and the four of us start running down the hall of the dungeons to make our way out of there.

"This isn't over, Tiger Claw," Karai calls out before we leave the hall.

Leonardo stops before the sewer entrance we used to get in here. I dive in first, then Raph, then Karai and finally Leoanrdo himself. After so many things we've been through, swimming is like the easiest task. Finally we reach solid ground and I put the manhole cover aside for all of us to get out beside Shredder's lair.

I run ahead to check if the coast is clear, and I see Mikey holding his arm.

"What happened?" I ask and grab him.

"Nothing too bad," he says with fake confidence brushed with pain. "It's not by water baloon shooting arm. Ow..."

Raphael grabs his little brother when Leonardo and Karai catch up to us. Just then, a group of Foot Bots surrounds us.

Tiger Claw comes up from behind. "Surrender, reptiles! You're outnumbered!"

The whistle starts sounding again, making Tiger Claw cringe in pain. Just then, the Shellraiser driven by Donnie drives up and runs over all the Foot Bots that were threatening us.

"Count again, Tiger Claw!" Donnie says.

"Nice work, Donnie!" I say when we climb in. It takes a while, but Leonardo manages to get Karai on board and he takes the wheel and immediately starts driving.

Karai sits on the floor of the Shellraiser. "I..."

"I know," Leonardo says. "You're not good at saying thank you."

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