When my turn finally came, I shakily walked up the steps to the stage and sat down on the chair provided. I had never actually been on the stage before and needless to say, I felt incredibly overwhelmed. The bright stage lights darkened the faces of Reyer, Andre, and Firmin, who were sitting in the first row of seats for the audience.

"Your name?" asked Reyer.

I opened my mouth to answer, but all of a sudden I could not remember my fake name. I swallowed and raked my brain to remember. It wasn't even that long ago when I told madame Giry my faux name!

Reyer cleared his throat. "Your name, Monsieur?"

"Ah, uh, Renard!" I said, relieved that I had remembered. "Claude Renard, Sir." There was a pause as Reyer wrote something down.

"Your age?"

"Nineteen," Another pause.


"The violin, Sir." Yet another pause.

"Alright. Proceed."

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and placed to violin on my shoulder. I brought the bow to the strings and put my fingers into position. I pretended I was in my room and that I was only imagining I was performing. I started playing with much passion and did not open my eyes for the entirety of the song. I played to the best of my ability and it seemed like the song was finished in mere seconds. I opened my eyes and sat there, astonished. Did I play alright? Was I terrible?

"I said, you may go now, Monsieur Renard." Reyer's voice drifted to me.

"Oh, um, thank you." I stood up, bowed slightly, and walked off the stage.

I exhaled heavily and practically collapsed in the first chair I saw. Were the new owners pleased with my performance? More importantly, could they tell I was a woman? I put the violin back in its case.

"You played beautifully." a woman's voice said out of nowhere. I looked up to see a girl who seemed to be around my age. She had curly golden locks and was smiling at me.

I cleared my throat. "Thank you."

"What is your name, Monsieur? I did not hear you say it when you were on stage."

"Claude Renard."

"Nice to meet you." she said cheerily. "I am Meg. Meg Giry." Giry? Was she Madame Giry's daughter? I did not know she had any children. "Your violin playing reminded me of one of our best violinists here at the Populaire. His name is Monsieur Castille and he plays with much passion just like you do."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Castille was my surname. Meg was talking about my father. Father was excellent at playing the violin. . .was I really as good as him? "You think I played as well as Monsieur Castille? I, um, hear he is very skilled. . ."

Meg smiled again. "Yes, Monsieur."

"Wow, uh, thank you." I said with a grin. "Did you come to audition, Mademoiselle?"

"Oh, yes. I am here to dance." she said then twirled around once and giggled. She then pointed to the left side of the stage where dancers were stretching and warming up. At this time, the singers' auditions were starting. "Do you see that woman who is going to audition next?" Meg asked as she pointed to a woman who was standing next to the stage and was being primped by a few people.

I nodded. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Carlotta Giudicelli. She may sing well, but nobody likes her because she is so rude to everyone and she thinks she is the best no matter what. The only reason Monsieur Lefevre, the old owner of the Populaire, kept her around was because she brought the Populaire good publicity. Oh, look, Claude! She about to sing!"

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