The door slammed opens and we both looked up. It was a different man that had opened the door.

"Come now. A trade in going on. And you are the items up now." He growled. He was burly, shorter than both of us, but still stronger than us. Granted, we were starved.

His dark eyes were narrowed and he had an ugly scare across his face.

Grabbing Tuesday's hand, I moved forward, teeth gritted in pain. My back stung and each movement made it all the clearer. I knew my already torn shirt was completely torn, revealing the weals on my skin.

Through the drug smoke filled hallways, into a room filled with chattering. There were four of us behind what could only be described as a makeshift stage. One of the others was a short girl, four foot nine maybe, with long dark hair, bruised and bloody, looking down at her feet. She couldn't have been more than thirteen.

Next to her was a boy, about average, with messy red hair and freckled cheeks. Both looked nervous, shifting side to side, foot to foot.

"Hey." Tuesday whispered, waving. Their days shot to him, Green and Cognac. "Shhh!" The girls snarled, earning her a cuff to the side of her head from a man standing near.


Before anything else could be said, Dramaine walked out and clapped his hands. "Ladies and Gentlemen." He greeted. The chittering stopped. I saw all eyes go straight to him. "The first item we have is a girl by the name of Farras."

The girl stepped forward and dropped her Green gaze back down.

I looked to Tuesday and tried to tune out what was going up on stage, but I couldn't. Not truly.

"The bidding will start at four k. She is a very obedient slave." Slaves. That is what we were to these people. Nothing more than something to complete a task for them.

"Twenty k. Do I here Twenty one k? Going once, going twice, sold! To the fellow in the back with gray hair." He called out. "Come pay and collect after the last item has been auctioned off. Next, all the way from London, exhibit two." That word made me sick. Slaves and show cases. That is what we are.

Like the girl, he walked out and stood there, looking down, as his fate was bid on. He was sold for twenty three thousand.

"Now, for my favorite of this show, from my own personal collection..."

He called us out, and like the kids before us, we walked out. But I kept my head up, watching the group of people. There were a ton of people, from all over.

"I collected these two together, and they make for an interesting duo, but, I will be willing to split them up. It's double for both." I felt like a piece of meat. Nothing more. But I had grown used to it. I have long since accepted that I am nothing but a toy.

"So, the bidding will start at five k." I stood there, watching the people bid back and forth, higher and higher. Finally, I lady in the back stood up and shouted.

"I will back five thousand more than the cost doubled for both." He said and the room went silent. I saw the smile that lot his face and he pointed to her.

"Sold!" He looked around. "Now, those of you who bought, please come pay and collect your prize." He smiled, eyes glittering, like this was an antique they bought, not someone's life.

The one who bought Tuesday and I was the first up. She was bundled in a fur coat, with ten pounds of makeup on her face, and obviously dyed blonde hair. I had long since lost the blonde in my hair. It was back to the dark brown, and very unkempt.

She stopped the money in a brief case one of the better dressed men brought forward and dropped a huge wad of money in there. Her next stop was us. She grabbed Tuesday's chin, her nails leaving crescents.

"It's been a while since I have had pets this beautiful!" She crowed. "So worth all of the money I spent on you!"

I just stared at her as she let Tuesday go and beckoned to us. "Come now, my pets. Home awaits!"

I am so so sorry this took so long! I have just been so swamped and tired. Started a summer course that is just math. It is so draining. But I have been trying my hardest to get this written. Because of that, I feel that is isn't the best. And because of this, I cannot promise frequent update for the next few weeks.

3 Years Four months.

Book is only a few chapters from the finish! Yay. The last chapter will be on hold, though, till I managed to update my other books.

Oh, and stay sexy

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