"Umm....Hannah?"  I asked, patting her shoulder, I was a little uncomfortable with this position.

"Wow, what'd I miss?"  I turned to see Zane sitting up in his bed, smirking at us.

"Zane!"  Hannah screamed, running to his side.  She flung herself onto the bed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.  "I'm so glad your awake!  Demitra said she would go to youth group with us!"  Zane looked at me and raised an eyebrow.  I nodded, rolling my eyes and sighing.  What had I gotten myself into?


Two hours later, we were sitting in an old fashioned restaurant across from the movie theater.  The restaurant walls were painted a bright red, which matched their bright red booths.  The tables were the kind from the eighty's, round with a silver brim.  There was even a jutebox in one corner.

"So what do you want?"  Zane asked, looking over my sholder and onto my menu.  My heart fluttered as his shoulder touched mine.

"Um..I think just a plain cheese burger."  He nodded and turned back to his menu.  The way he scrunched his eyebrows as he studied the list of food made me laguh. 

"Hello, my name is Marissa, are you ready to order?"  A girl with long blond hair skated up to us. The waiters in this place were aloud to wear roller skates.  She wore a red T-shirt and jean shorts that were way to short.  We all nodded and ordered our food, we all ended up getting a cheese burger.

"And what to drink?"

"Doctor Pepper!"  We all said in unison, before we burst out laughing.  Marissa smiled and skated away to get our food.

"So what movie are we going to see?"  I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Twilight, duh."  Hannah said, looking bored.

"Ew, no!"  Austin exclaimed, giving her a dirty look.  I laughed at them, they were so funny together.  I guess I was wrong about Hannah liking Duce, or maybe she just moved on quickly.  We argued about movies until the food came, then we fell silent while we stuffed our faces.  The burger was the biggest chunk of food I had ever seen.  It weighed three pounds, something I failed to notice on the menu, and came with one pound of french fries.  I ate half of it and felt like I was going to explode.  Hannah ate a little more then me, but the boys ate the whole flippin' thing.

"Boys disgust me."  Hannah said, starng at Austin's empty burger basket.

"How so?"  Austin asked, raising an eyebrow.  I smiled, I knew exactly what she was going to say.

"You eat so much!  You just consumed four pounds of food and you wont gain a single ounce!"  She threw her hands in the air.

"Not to mention they get the long eye lashes!"  I said, pointing at her and smiling wider.  It was fun to get Hannah riled up.

"And they don't have a "special time of the month," either!" She placed air quotes around special time of the month, causing me to laugh harder.  Hannah tried not to laugh, but she cracked up as well.  The boys were starting at us like we were crazy, which made me laugh harder.  Eventually, when my sides hurt and was panting for breath, I was able to sober up.

"Sorry."  I said, taking a deep breath.  Zane just chuckled.

"Okay guys, before we leave I have to play a song on the jute box."  Hannah announced, grabbing a quarter from her purse and running up to the machine.  It took about three seconds for her to squeal, "I love this song!"  and then music filled the air.  I smiled as I recognised the song, "Jail House Rock" by Elvis.

"Come on,"  Zane said, grabbing me by the wrist, "Lets dance."

"I..I don't know how."  I stuttered, feeling my heart begin to race.

"I'll show you how."  And with that he pulled me from the bench and onto the empty wood floor.  There was a huge space that didn't have tables, probably for dancing.  "Follow my lead.  One, two, three, four."  Zane took a step to the right, then to the left, then t the right, and then back. "Good, but when I step back, you step back.  Okay?"  I nodded and we started again.  "Good, you've got it!  Now this time, when you step back, lift you left leg and I'm going to spin you, okay?"  I nodded again, and prepared myself.

I gasped as my body turned around so fast everything blurred, but I landed on my feet how I was supposed to.  I smiled as we started the process over and over again, getting faster and faster until we were dancing to the beat of the music.  I was vaguely aware of Hannah and Austin dancing as well, but I was focused on Zane.  The music started to slow down, and so did our dance.  Just as the last note was playing, Zane spun me one last time.  But this time, I wobbled.  I lost my balance and completely fell over, slamming into Zanes chest.  He yelped quietly in pain, but held me in place.

"I'm..so...sorry!"  I said, in between gasps of air.

"It's fine."  Zane smiled at me, and helped me to stand upright.

"Well, if you two are done,"  We turned to face Hannah, "We should probably get to the movie theater, it's getting late."

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