Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Roses POV.

I get up from the lunch table and think of him.

Why was that secretive boy trying to get into my business!!??

He just scared me and I have no interest in him now.(besides his cutlet looks).

Even though he was a vampire, I can't live my life being scared of him.

Payton was a vampire too. So I am going to have to learn how to face my fears.

I go to my locker and pull on the door, but it just wouldn't open. I pull my on the locker door one more time and I get by the time it's like the sixth try I get super angry.

I was about ready to punch it, but the door swings open, to my surprise I didn't even do anything to even make it budge a little tiny inch. I look to my left to see a shadow and then to my right to see the same shadow again and then I look behind me to see a boy who's eyes seemed to be read for a moment and then went back to normal.

I guessed it right, Ty Eder.

I inhale and then exhale for a second or two. He then opens my locker door a little farther to show me that he had some it with massive strength.

"What?? Are you just infuriated that you couldn't get it open and I could??" He wiggles his eye brows back and forth.

I roll my eyes a little bit and laugh.

"No! I just..I..have a short temper."

I gave up. I was probably the worst liar in the history of liars.

"Right. Let's get to know each other, okay,"

"Okay," I say it in a slow motioned tone and think twice about herring about Ty.

"Well, my name is Ty Eders and I have a younger sister and just a mom. My dad died when I was five because of cancer. After he died we moved here, which is Boise Idaho and I went to Kennedy elementary for five year. Then I met Payton at a park.

After that we became friends. Then about a Year later, I figured out who I was and what I was. I switched schools and then I hears about you."

He takes a breath from his lecture of talking.

I almost cry at the thought of what he had gone through.

"Now it's your turn."

I take a deep breath and think about what I was about to say.

" well, my name is Rose Nomalee and I have a little sister and a mom and a dad. I have gone to this school for eight years. am best friends are Mattie and Payton and you and I are now sort of in the friend tone. I play basketball and cross country.

If you ask me to draw something for you, you'll probably want to shred it to pieces even if you get the tiniest glimpse of it. I found out that vampires are real and that I am special blooded apparently about 5 hours ago."

I take a breath from my long and breathless lecture and then stare at he ground from embarrassment.

"That's cool. So, I'm guessing that you don't want me to ask you to draw something."

I roll my eyes at him one last time and then pick up my books that I needed to take home.

I go into my home room and then put my books in my backpack.

I walk out the door to see Ty walk up to me again.

God! Not this again! what was so important to him that he wanted??

He takes my back pack off of my back and then runs down the hall with it.

I run after him and squeeze through doors.

What in the world was he doing??

I run after him and the next thing I know we were resting on the ground next to each other from exhaustion.

" what was that for!?" I say or in a serious and angry, but yet tired voice.

"I needed to show you something."

"You could've just asked me!"

He leans over his shoulder and reached into his back pack to grab something. He pulls out drawing pad and hands it to me.

I look at him confused, bit flip open the drawing pad anyways.

I gasp because inside were artistic drawings.

Drawings of me.

I look at him with gloomy eyes and then move my glare back to the drawings.

They were sketched, bit was shocked me was that they were amazing and they were of me.

"I hope you don't mind that I was drawing you. I just couldn't take my eyes off of you when I saw you at school in class. It's not finished yet, but I hope you like it."

I look at the drawings and then flip the page to see me looking at the basketball sign up sheet.

(Stocking much)

I blush and then hand the pad back over to him.

"There beautiful and I don't at all."

"Good. I really think that your interesting to draw because something just pops in you that makes you shine from the rest of everybody else."

"Thanks," I snails and then sit up with my legs crossed.

"Can I have my back pack now?"

"Only if you let me walk home."

I shake my head in disapproval at first, but then knew that I probably wouldn't get my backpack back.

I groan, but get up on my feet and we walk home. He drops me off first and hands me my back pack.

I wave goodby and then he walks off to his house.

I wondered what tomorrow would be like with him in sight and then shut the door.

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