Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

I wake up to my alarm clock and pull my covers over my head.

Then I remember the fangs.

Is this why I have been having those dreams?

Did Ty actually have something to do with my painful life?

Maybe it was just a hallucination

I think about these confusing questions

for a little bit and then get out of bed to find myself being as stiff as a rock.

I walk to the bathroom mirror and see a red dash from Gracie's hands hitting my face.

I brush my teeth and then put two bobby pins in my brown hair to pull my side bangs out of my red face.

Covering up my red gashes on my face with bronzer, I could still feel it throbbing.

I throw on my school uniform, which I hate. It's a skirt with a white t-shirt and then I throw on my sweatshirt to add a little something then brown and green.

I run down the stairs and eat some granola. My legs dangle off of the kitchen counter and I patiently swing them back and forth.

I go to the closet and put on my aqua colored converse all-star shoes.

Picking up my back pack, I run out the door hoping that I wasn't going to be too late.

I hop onto my blue bike and peddle as fast as my legs could take it until I am on the schools property.

"Hey rose" my friend Payton walks up to me with Mattie trying to catch up to her.

Payton's red hair that is wavy, but not curly swings back and forth across her solders. The freckles that outline her face make her seem like she has the perfect face figure.

"I'm grounded for the rest of my painful and questioning life!"

I complain and make a joke out of it. I hear Mattie giggle from behind Payton and I give her a deadly stare down.

"Listen, she had fangs," I whisper in both of their ears.

"Right, ummm... I think there's something that I need to tell you guys."

Payton says and me and Mattie look at her strangely.

Why would she want us to make her mad?

I do it anyways just for the pleasure of it.

"Make me mad, okay." Payton demands.

"Your hideous and have no friends."

Mattie and I say together and giggle a Little bit as we do.

I look at Payton to see her deadly fangs pop out of her mouth!

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