That dog.. Even if he hasn't realize his full potential, he could kill an entire army. I propped my chin on my hand whilst drinking water from the glass with my other hand.

"You look in deep thought, General Esdeath," Ran said, gently smiling.

"I was just thinking about my pet," I replied calmly whilst slightly smiling. "For his first assignment, he's taking his sweet time. I was beginning to think that he betrayed me."

"Or something bad happened to him. What if he encountered Night Raid and got held as hostage?" Wave stated anxiously as he was eating his chunks of salmon.

"That might be true. At any rate, I'll have my men investigate his location. If he becomes a traitor, I will obliterate him and if he gets held by the enemies, we'll take him back then," I remarked while smirking evilly. "Either way, this will be a good fight."

"I didn't expect you to care about your pet, Esdeath-sama," Dr. Stylish exclaimed while placing his hand on his cheek and wearing that homo-looking smile of his.

"It's not that I care about his state or anything. I just need his abilities as a fighting pawn. He's a good warrior and losing a fighter like him is a huge loss."

"How very likely of you, Esdeath-sama. Still ever so stylish!" He raised his arms in the air in amusement and adoration towards me.

As always, I still don't understand his definition of stylish and I don't understand why he loves saying that.

"Don't worry, Esdeath-sama. I will contribute to the search for looking for your dear pet."

"Thank you."


It was noon and Akame and I were sent to the mountains for hunting because yesterday's hunt was not really successful due to Lubbo's injury and the hunt ended quite early. Mine and Tatsumi were asked to stay at the headquarters to guard it while Leone and Lubbo headed to the capital to talk to the client and gather information as I have heard.

As we were hiking in the mountains, we carried huge baskets on our backs under the scorching sun. There was an awkward silence between us and no one dared to speak a word. But as the minutes passed, I couldn't get any more uncomfortable so, I decided to break the ice.

"Hey, just how far are we going to hike? Are we there yet?" I asked in a complaining tone.

"Soon," she shortly replied without even looking at me.

She's giving me the cold shoulder as usual. Soon, we reached the middle of the mountains and it was a vast place with nothing but rocks and a bit of trees and shrubs.

"Mountain Rams, that's our target," she said.

"Meat again?" I asked while chuckling.

"Shut up," she hissed while placing the baskets down and preparing herself for the huge catch. "You be the bait and I'll strike them right after."

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"Mountain Rams are attracted to human's smell so, remove your clothes and wait for them to come. Their horns are really sharp so, don't hold them on it."

"Got it,"

I removed my shirt and hanged them on the branch of a nearby tree. I stood around naked as I waited for a Mountain Ram to come and attack. After a few seconds, I heard a few rustlings not far away from me. It seemed to have come from behind. I looked at my peripheral vision to examine the target.

All of a sudden, it came rushing towards me, its horns pointing towards me. It was going for the kill as it snorted angrily. As soon as it was about to hit me, I lunged to the side and yelled, "Akame!" to get her attention.

She jumped out of the huge rock and plunged her sword down on the head of the Mountain Ram. The ram was beheaded and fell flat on the floor. But all of a sudden, another ram was heading towards Akame. Before it hits Akame, I rushed it and kicked it right at its head, sending it flying away.

"Oh, you don't have to thank me," I haughtily said while chuckling.

"I wasn't planning to, anyway. Plus I was ready to strike it down though," she remarked in a cold voice.

"You could've at least have some gratitude. I just saved your ass." I rolled my eyes off her stubbornness.

In an unexpected event, I suddenly felt the presence of another monster charging its way towards us. In a split second, it was about to strike Akame with its huge sharp horns so, I dashed forward and pushed Akame far away.

The Ram was a lot of times bigger than the ones we killed. It had sharp horns, claws, and teeth and also red eyes. I felt an immense stinging pain at my left rib as the monster bore a huge wound on me.

"Sh*t.." I held my left rib while grimacing in pain.

I felt the blood gushing out of me smoothly as the wound. It suddenly became hard for me to breathe and my vision is starting to twitch and become blurry.

The ram was grunting heavily as its saliva was dripping from hunger. It was gnawing its teeth at me and gazing at me so intently like I'm some delicious prey.

End of Chapter 17

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