Jimmy Fallon and Thanksgiving Plans

Start from the beginning

The girls smirked.

"Well I promise boys that I will go to the store and by as many as I can tomorrow..." Jimmy said.

"Thank you."

"...then return them so I have money for buying all the Get Wierd albums" Jimmy finished.

The girls cheered and Perrie and Jesy got up and started thrusting into the air.

"Jimmy just played you boys, how do you feel?" Jesy asked Liam with a pretend microphone to his face.

The audience laughed.

"It feels like how you're going to feel when Get Weird only gets Jimmy's 10 copies sold." Liam smirked as did the rest of the boys.

The audience 'ooooo' noises.

"Well as much as we want to see this fight we have to go to break. Don't go anywhere we've got much more Little Direction to come!" Jimmy read off the teleprompter.


"Welcome back to the Late Show we've got Little Mix and One Direction here in the studio!" Jimmy exclaimed.

The audience cheered.

"We are going to play a game know. It's going to help us prove that you guys are indeed best friends and are not playing the biggest April Fools prank ever in the history of music."

Since both groups were so popular and they were always hanging out some people had speculated that it was a publicity stunt to give the bands more attention. The group strongly disliked those people.

"Now get a partner and it can't be with your boyfriend or girlfriend." Jimmy instructed.

Louis partnered with Leigh, Harry with Jesy, Liam with Perrie, and Jade, Niall, and Zayn made a group of three.

"I'm going to give you each a white board and ask you a question about your partner. You will both write down your answer and if it's right you get a point, no point if it's wrong. Group with the most points at the end wins."

"Okay." they all said.

"Alright first question goes to Harry and Jesy," Jimmy spoke. "What is Harry's favorite Little Mix song or songs."

The clock began its countdown of 20 seconds.

Jesy quickly wrote down her answer. She was confident in her answer and really wanted it to be right. She hated the allegations most of all.

"Boards up." Jimmy announced.

"Harry your answer was; Towers and Make You Believe. Jesy yours was, Towers and Make You Believe, one pint for Hesy!" Jimmy cheered.

The audience clapped.

"Now team Piam your question is, what is Perrie's guilty pleasure."

Liam knew this one perfectly. Everyone in the group, except for Leigh-Anne, shared the same guilty pleasure.

"Perrie your answer was-" Jimmy busted into laughter as did the audience.

"Oh my!" he said breathlessly.

"Her answer was American candies." he informed.

"You all like to make fun of me and my American candy and snacks but you all enjoy it don't you!" Leigh exclaimed.

The nodded their heads.

"Liam your answer is American candies." Jimmy said still laughing, "one point for Piam."

After everyone had calmed down they moved to Leigh and Louis.

"What is Leigh's favorite road to travel on in her hometown Durham, North Carolina?"

Louis remembered this from the time she took all of them there when they met up from their break on their tours. Leigh-Anne always talked about it and many of her fans knew the answer.

"Okay boards up."

"Leigh- Anne your answer is Duke University Road and Louis your answer is correct one point for your team."

"Now I'm going to ask a question for each of you to answer," Jimmy explained. "What is each of your favorite ice cream flavors?"

The countdown started and soon the studio was counting down.

"3...2...1!" Everyone yelled.

"Okay boards up."

"Liam's answer should be vanilla, Niall answer should be every flavor except mint chocolate chip, and Jades should be strawberry." Jimmy said, "Wow and you all got it right."

The played this game a couple more times and in the end they were all tied up.


"Okay so Thanksgiving is coming up, what are your plans?" Jimmy questioned. Everyone except Leigh looked confused.

Jimmy leaned over his desk and whispered to Leigh-Anne.

"Those silly Brits don't celebrate Thanksgiving." he whispered causing everyone to laugh.

"Okay well Leigh what are your plans for Thanksgiving?"

"I'm headed down to NC, for dinner with my mom and dad and sister. I'm making these," she motioned her hand around everyone, "guys come with me so they can try Thanksgiving dinner."

"Yeah I'm actually quite excited about that because you guys do that thing with yams and marshmallows on the top." Harry said.

"What!" the Brits said in unison with puzzled faces

"We have a dish made for Thanksgiving and Christmas that has sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top." Leigh explained trying not to laugh

"Sweet potatoes and marshmallow!" Liam exclaimed as if it were the strangest thing in the world. His accent was very strong when he said it and made Leigh and Jimmy look at each other before bursting into laughter with the rest of the American audience.

"I'm sorry, but that does not sound good at all." Jesy scrunched up her nose.

"Yes it seems very strange." Zayn said.

"Don't knock it to you try it." Niall said with his eyebrows raised.

"You've had it before?" Jimmy questioned.

"I've had everything before." Niall chuckled making the studio fill with laughter.

"So Leigh is that all your plans for Thanksgiving." Jimmy asked.

"Well me and my mom and sisters always used to go black Friday shopping before we moved to High Wycombe, and I can't really do it know so yeah that's about it."

"Why can't you do it know?"

"Jimmy, all of those cranky, crazy people in one space and some of them could be fans. I would be ripped to pieces!"

"Yeah," Jimmy scoffed "That happens to me too, ya know so many fans." He flipped 'hair' over his shoulder.

The audience laughed.

"Well this has definitely been a very interesting interview but, I have to ask on more question before we leave." Jimmy said suddenly becoming serious.

"Are we ever going to hear Little Mix and One Direction collaborating?"

The group had talked about this before and had been asked plenty of times. Little Mix had a very different sound from One Direction and didn't know how they would be able to write music together. They always wanted to but never really ever got super serious. So in that moment everyone eyed each other, telepathically telling each other what their answers were. They all then looked at Jade.

"Let's just say we'd call ourselves Little Direction." she answered.

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