Chapter One: Factions

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Jake could feel the chill on his bare skin. It was a sudden yet familiar spike of ice that made all the slight hairs on his arms stand up. It was the first night he'd been willing to leave the window open since the night at Brooke's, almost a year ago. He had never been someone who had felt great amounts of fear (in fact, he used to run head first into everything, especially things that involved danger or general peril) but since that night by the lake, things had changed. He was more nervous more often, and regularly found himself plagued by nightmares, draped in sweat and wide awake in the early hours of the morning, the face of the Lakewood slasher engraved in the corners of his mind. He wondered if any of the others felt the same, had the same dreams, but he wasn't gonna ask. He had learned a long time ago not to expose his weaknesses to anyone, not even his closest friends.
'Too much risk', his father had told him. 'If you don't let anyone else know the pain you feel, it can't remain, it can't thrive and it will not survive.'
Yeah, thanks Dad.
He got up to close the window. This wasn't a good idea. He was cold, and it wasn't making him feel anymore safe. He thought something small like that could move him towards some feeling of safety, but all he could imagine was the eyes of Piper Shaw, glaring through his window.
'Fuck sake.' He whispered to himself. He felt pathetic. He was being a little bitch, and he just needed to... grow some balls and stop being so menaced by the memory of some dead psycho. Lakewood was safe again. Sure, there would always be Nina Pattersons in Lakewood, and Tyler ó Neils, and even Seth Bransons, but there'd never be another Brandon James, or a Piper Shaw. That he knew.

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