War and Death Pt. 2

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It was quiet for a minute, as everybody processed what had happened. Jeb shook, especially in the hand that held the gun. Jennette had tears streaming down her blood stained face, as she sat motionless on the ground where Keiren had pushed her. Kaiser, still taking a minute to process, stared at his brother's body, bleeding onto the white tile that decorated the room. He looked up at Jeb with a soulless glare.

"Your brother is dead!" he began laughing again . "And soon will the rest of your little posse be!"

Kaiser stared at him with a blank expression, not even moving a muscle. Jennette couldn't even tell if he was breathing. He then took a step closer.

"W-What are you doing?" Jeb asked, a tone of fear in his voice. Kaiser took another step, then another. His face remained emotionless. Suddenly, Ashton, Nash, Reese, and Brynne ran into the room.

"Why is--" Ashton stopped in her track. Everyone gasped. Jeb and Jennette looked at the teens that arrived, however, Kaiser kept his glare on Jeb.

The scene the walked into was horrendous- Jennette sat on the ground, tears and blood on her face and clothes. The room was trashed, and the windows were cracked and broken. And the worst, Keiren laid on the ground, blood forming trails away from his body. A hole was in the center of his chest.

Kaiser took more steps towards Jeb.

"What are you doing?" Jeb said, voice shaking. He pointed the gun towards Kaiser.

"Do you really want to have the same fate as your brother?" he asked, slightly confident, slightly fearful.

Kaiser raised his hand up, and drew the gun towards himself, holding it in his hand. He held it down by his side once he had a grip on it.

"What-" Jeb stuttered, not even forming real words anymore.

"Kaiser! Kaiser, listen to me! Don't do it, there's other ways!" Ashton tried to convince him to recollect his senses, but he wasn't listening.

A crash of glass was suddenly heard, and rays of sunlight and snow came in. Jeb had jumped out of the window. Kaiser ran towards the window.

"Kaiser! No!!" Jennette screeched. She jumped up and ran after Kaiser, after him as he leapt out the window. Ashton took action.

"Jennette, what the hell?!" She screamed, and she used telekinesis to hold Jennette up in the air. She grabbed her just in time before she was out of reach. Jennette had grasp of Kaiser by his waist, holding on to him tightly. Kaiser had the gun pointed down below, where Jeb was. Even inside the building, you can hear Jeb yell out in pain.

"You can never stop me!" He grunted. Jeb flew up , in pain from the fall, and he smiled widely. A shadow overcast the two teens, as Jeb opened up his last superpower.


"Hahaha!" He yelled. Kaiser shot at Jeb once again. The bullet ripped through his chest, the force throwing him back a few paces. He looked back up at Kaiser, smiling.

The hole that was where the bullet went through began healing. Like a weave, the hole patched up miraculously.

"What the hell?" Jennette yelled. Kaiser held the gun back up, towards Jeb's face now. He fired relentlessly.

"Kaiser, please!" Jennette cried, as Ashton began struggling holding up the two for so long. Brynne, Nash, and Reese stood motionless in the room, silence falling over them. Jeb smiled and pulled out a gun, aiming it towards Jennette and Kaiser. They both screamed.

"Jennette ! Kaiser!!" Brynne yelled, as Jeb fired away. The first few shots missed, as Ashton moved the two through the air. Her arms began shaking, getting weary. Jeb fired the last round in his gun, as Kasier spun the duo around and took the bullet.

The attempt failed however.

The bullet went through Kaiser, hitting Jennette in the back. Ashton, hitting her point, dropped the duo, as the plummeted to the snow covered concrete below. Jeb laughed, as Reese and Nash charged towards him, jumping out of the window and each grabbing a hold of his legs. Ashton, feeling mentally drained, fell down to her knees, as Brynne peered over the edge of the broken window, looking down at the two souls in the snow.

"K-Kaiser..." Jennette coughed out. She slowly shifted her head to look at the dying redhead. He looked back at her with dull eyes.

"Why does it hurt?" she asked, not realizing she spoke her thoughts. He looked at her with a pained expression.

"Pl-Please talk." she coughed, and blood trickled out of her mouth. Kaiser looked at her.

He opened his mouth as if he was going to speak, but he said nothing. He pointed to the exposed sky. It was a fading orange, blending into a navy blue as small twinkling stars were sprinkled across the sky. Small snowflakes drifted to the ground, gently falling on the two lying on the floor. Kaiser wiped the blood trickling from his head.

"Stars." he coughed. Jennette looked at him with the most shocked face she could muster. "Just focus on the-" he coughed. "Stars. The pain will go away."his voice was low, cracked. She looked back up at the sky with tears in her eyes.
Shots fired at the brave boys who attacked Jeb. Reese violently dug his hands into Jeb's skin, inflicting burns on his flesh. Nash snapped his limbs, the cracking echoing in the air. Jeb still continued to fire, and Reese was the first to fall. Nash fell soon after. The collision stopped their hearts on impact.

Ashton gave everything she had. She threw up a forcefield to stop the oncoming guards, but she fell soon after. The guards rushed in after her, her mind going blank and senses diminished.

The base was silent after that . No wild life, no gunfire. the sky fell into darkness, as the destroyed parts of the base cackled up in flames into the navy sky.

They were gone.

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