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"I can breathe fire!" Jennette exclaimed , when she met up with Nash and Ashton. Nash clapped his hands.

"That sounds cool!" he exclaimed.

The group was still in a concrete room, but they were together , so their spirits were a bit lighter. However, they were trapped like animals, and this bothered Ashton to her core.

"They think they have the right to fucking trap us like this? How dare they," Ashton said, frustrated . Her face turned pink. Jennette shook her head. "Do you think they will let us escape again? They probably have double, if not triple the security," Jennette pointed out.

"I think we should just cooperate with them," Nash said. Jennette and Ashton stared at him wide-eyed.

"What the hell, Nash? What do you mean by that?" Jennette shouted. Nash shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, I'm losing my mind. Forget I said anything," he said. The girls shrugged. Then Ashton's face lit up with an idea.

"We can throw Jennette!" She said, and Nash and Jennette stared at her slacked jawed.

"That .... sounds ..... awesome!!!!" Jennette squealed, and clapped her hands. "But what would be the benefit of throwing me?" She shook her head.

"No, after we leave this room, Nash can use his strength or whatever and throw Jennette, she can ignite herself, and I can focus my power through her, causing enough power to take down whatever we want!" Ashton's eyes glowered. Jennette agreed eagerly.

"If it gets us out of this windowless hellhole, I'm in." The girls stared at Nash.

"I'm not throwing her, no way." Nash crossed his arms. Jennette smacked him.

"Yes, you are. It's not like its going to hurt me or anything." Jennette glared at him. He sighed and shook his head.

"If you die , I'm going to laugh." He said, hesitant.

"If I'm going down, someone is going down with me." Jennette said, and she looked over to Nash. Ashton nodded.

"Okay, so you pick her up, spin around and put all your might into throwing her. Jennette, all you have to do is ignite yourself. I will focus on making a larger explosion. Got that?" Ashton explained the game plan. The trio nodded and Nash picked up Jennette by her arms, and spun twice, releasing her on the third spin. Ashton focused, but Jennette never ignited and smacked against the wall, the sound echoing through the room. She screamed.

"Jennette what the hell!!?" Ashton ran over to Jennette, who was weazing on the floor.

"I can't.... ignite.... until he let's go. He never told me when he was letting go, and I can't ignite while in his hands." Jennette rolled over on her back, coughing loudly.

"Crap, didn't think of that. Listen, Jennette, ignite on three, okay? Can you do that?" Jennette nodded, and with the help of Ashton, stood up. She walked back over to Nash, who picked her up and began spinning . On cue, Nash let go when Ashton's powerful voice screamed 'THREE!'

Jennette ignited, and with Ashton's help, exploded through the concrete wall, causing dust and bits of concrete fly everywhere. Jennette stood up from the rubble and laughed.

"That was exhilarating !" she shouted, and Ashton and Nash looked at each other with smiles. Suddenly, a large piercing siren shot through the air and a red and white light flashed through the dilapidating halls, blinding and impairing the trio's sense of hearing.

"Ashton!" Jennette screamed, but she couldn't hear her. Everybody had their hands over their ears, and the sound brought splitting headaches to all who were near. Ashton found Jennette and Nash through the flashes of the light. She grabbed their arms, running to the nearest exit they could find.

An opening in the wall.

At the top of the building.

Ashton signaled Jennette and Nash to jump, but both refused.

"Are you crazy??!!" Nash shouted , but his words were lost. As armed guards began storming the top floor that they were on, Ashton, without warning shoved the tiny ball of flame and the concrete hulk out of the wall, the duo falling to the ground swiftly. Nash, out of terror , grabbed Ashton and pulled her down with him, and soon they were plummeting to the ground. Jennette looked at her friends who, just as she did , had tears in her eyes.

"Ashton, I don't know what the hell you were thinking, but I would've rather gone out like this then being shot and captive." Even in these desperate times, Jennette managed a smile. As the wind flew by them and the began to near the ground, Jennette manipulated the wind and flew back closer to her best friend, extending her hand. Ashton grabbed it and smiled, squeezing her hand. Jennette closed her eyes tightly.

"I vow I will come back from Hell to stop this place." Jennette swore, and Nash laughed , despite the circumstances, at her brutal honesty. Ashton only shook her head.

The ground came closer, and the final seconds of the teenagers short lived lives were near.....

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