The First, Flame

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The group stared at the book with slack jaws. Jennette, after calming down, peered over the book. She mumbled the words that she could make out, and she gasped when she reached the bottom of the page.

"That's me. In the book. I swear up and down, no one else can fit the description better than I can." She slighlty backed away from the book, her mind scrambling words she just read. Nash looked at the book. Then he looked at Ashton.

"She's right." his eyebrows began to furrow. Then he commenced to read the words. " A young female, barely into her teens years." he mumbled some words he couldn't read, the continued. "Short in height, and the most full of energy out of said destined trio. Most likely of the group to be described as bright. The Jynn is the most destructive of them..." Nash's voice trailed off, and he looked up and met Ashton's gaze. Jennette kept shaking her head, worry enveloping her mind. Ashton slid the book next to her, and read on.

"Um... Although her ability has not been proven to showwhatin others of her kind, it is in the darkest , deepest shadows of her mind. It is a hidden talent that can only be tapped into. Only by clearing her mind of all thoughts can this talent be touched. Her elemental , flame...."

"Flame? Flame what???" Jennette frantically asked Ashton. " What happens next?"

Ashton looked at Jennette. "The words are illegible. But I think you have, " Ashton paused , thinking of a better words but failing. "Powers," she sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

"What? How? This isn't some book, this is real life.." her voice followed off in uncertainty.

"I dunno. But it said you need to tap into your mind, or something. I'll help. " Ashton thought for a few moments, then her eyes lit up. "I'm going to blow out the lantern. If what the book says is true, you could wield flames. " Ashton said.

"Yeah. I'll blow it out , and touch it with your fingers," Nash said, following along with the conversation. "Light it then," he nodded.

Jennette hesitantly agreed , closing her eyes, and she bit her lip. "Extinguish it," she said.

Nash blew the flame out, and the tent went dark. Jennette felt around for the little cloth, and placed her fingers on it, clearing her mind and focusing on the lantern. It was silent for a few very long moments, until a small spark emitted from the tips of her fingers, and lit the lantern back up. She continued to keep her eyes tightly closed. Ashton and Nash looked at each other with wide eyes. Jennette opened her eyes a peek, and her lips formed a smile. "I seriously just do that?" she said in disbelief. Ashton and Nash slowly nodded. Jennette , now full of excitement, clapped her hands together and giggled.

"I created FIRE." she said. "I'm a Goddess!" she laughed maniacally. Then, she got a serious face. She held her palm out, focusing all her attention on it. A small pit of fire sat in her hand, burning brightly. Jennette laughed. She was currently wielding fire. She closed her palm.

"No fucking way," she cursed.

Ashton, eager to see what else the book contained, flipped through the pages frantically. Then she bit her lip.

"I'm next," she whispered.

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