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Peridot and Lapis slept on the couch for a good two hours. A load roar of thunder woke Lapis, her eyes shot open. The blue gem hadn't forgotten she fell asleep on the couch, but she had no clue Peridot had too.

Lapis sighed and held Peridot close. The little gem snored softly, and squirmed a little bit when Lapis pulled her close. The ocean gem chuckled and lay her head back on the arm of the couch.

Peridot's legs were hanging off the couch, and Lapis tried to get them up. During the process she woke Peridot, who lazily opened her eyes. Lapis quickly stopped trying to get Peridot's legs on the couch and just pulled Peridot closer, thinking her legs would come up then.

Lapis noticed Peridot's hair was right in her face. The blue gem hugged Peridot and sniffed her hair. Suddenly a voice made her jump.

"Lazuli, are you smelling my hair?"

Lapis blushed out of complete embarrassment and stopped. "N-no." The blue gem answered. Peridot sighed, "Lazuli I know you're lying."

Lapis chuckled and squeezed Peridot. "Sorry." She giggled. Peridot smiled and lifted her legs onto the couch.

The green gem turned around so she could face Lapis. The two gems' noses were almost touching, causing Lapis to blush. Peridot smiled and cuddled close to the blue gem.

The green gem nuzzled her face into Lapis' neck. Lapis lay her head on top of Peridot's, and she began to sing.

"it's her hair and her eyes today
that just simply take me away
and the feeling that i'm falling further in love
makes me shiver but in a good way
all the times i have sat and stared
as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
and she purses her lips, bats her eyes as she plays,
with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say
cause i love her with all that i am
and my voice shakes along with my hands
cause she's all that I see and she's all that I need
and i'm out of my league once again"

Peridot smiled at the sound of Lapis' voice. Lapis didn't continue the song, she only sang the chorus. The two gems lay in silence, only the sound of rain on the roof filled the air.

"Okay.. this is boring. Let's watch Camp Pining Hearts." Peridot decided, crawling away from Lapis. Lapis sat up and chuckled, "Okay."

Peridot took out the season five disc and inserted the season one disc. "Here, now you can watch it from the beginning." She said. Lapis smiled and left a seat for Peridot.

Peridot sat and watched. Lapis yawned and lay her head on Peridot's lap. "Lazuli what are you doing?" The green gem asked, looking down at Lapis.

"Resting, don't worry I'm watching." Lapis replied. "Okay." Peridot said, watching the TV. Lapis watched with her.

Peridot petted Lapis' hair gently. "Your hair is soft." The little gem said, looking down at Lapis. "Not as soft as yours." Lapis chuckled.

"It's blue." Peridot said. "Mhm." Lapis replied, not taking her eyes off the screen. "I like the color blue." Peridot said.

"Me too." Lapis responded. Peridot then bent down and sniffed Lapis' hair. "Peridot are you smelling my hair?" Lapis chuckled.

"It's only fair. I had to settle the score." Peridot replied, still playing with Lapis' hair. "Okay, hey didn't you want me to pay attention to the TV? Why do you keep talking?" Lapis asked. "Well.. erm... it doesn't matter." Peridot said, looking at the TV now.

After three episodes, Lapis turned the TV off. "That's enough Camp Pining Hearts for a day." She said. Peridot nodded and listened closely.

"I think it's done raining." The green gem said. "Oh well, let's stay up here. I like it up here." Lapis said, looking up at Peridot. "Okay." Peridot said, playing with Lapis' hair some more.

"So is there anything else Steven has showed you up here?" Lapis asked. "No, just the entertainment box and Camp Pining Hearts." Peridot said, twirling a strand of Lapis' hair around one of her green fingers. Lapis closed her blue eyes and sighed.

"Are you still tired?" Peridot asked the ocean gem. "Kinda.." Lapis answered. Peridot looked down at Lapis, "You can go to sleep."

"No.." Lapis said, eyes still closed. "But you're tired." Peridot said, running her fingers through Lapis' hair. "I'm okay." Lapis argued.

"Go to sleep Lazuli." Peridot said, poking Lapis' cheek. "No." Lapis replied. Peridot groaned and gave up.

The gems fell silent. Peridot played with Lapis' blue hair. The green gem only heard Lapis' breath, and saw she was asleep.

"Victory." Peridot said, grinning.


About an hour had passed when Lapis woke up. Her head was still on Peridot's lap. "Finally." Peridot said, smiling at Lapis.

Lapis stuck her tongue out at Peridot, making a pffft noise. Spit sprayed Peridot in the face. "Gah! Lazuli you dipwad!" Peridot exclaimed.

Lapis chuckled and sat up. She lay her head on Peridot's shoulder. "Why did you do that? I wasn't done playing with your hair." The green gem said.

"Oh please, you'd play with my hair all day if I let you." Lapis said, cuddling close to Peridot. Peridot rolled her green eyes and sighed. "What's the matter?" Lapis asked.

"Nothing." Peridot said, looking at the blue gem. "Liar." Lapis replied. "I'm not lying." Peridot said, smiling a bit.

Lapis poked Peridot in the ribs. "Ow!" Peridot exclaimed. Lapis giggled, "Sorry."

Peridot poked Lapis back, sticking her tongue out and making the pffft noise. "Peri!" Lapis giggled, jumping away. Peridot smiled and looked at Lapis.

"Let's go back down, there's nothing to do up here." Peridot said. Lapis looked at her, "Oh alright." The blue gem picked up the CD player and followed Peridot back down.

Lapis sat the CD player back in the corner and looked at Peridot. The little gem sat down in her corner of the barn, yawning.

Lapis walked over and sat next to her. She took one of Peridot's hands in her own and lay her head on the smaller gem's shoulder. Peridot lay her head on Lapis'.

They fell asleep that way.

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