Chapter 25 - We have a deal

Start from the beginning

Sarafina shrugged her left shoulder, not bothering to move her gaze away from the pen in her palm “I have a second cousin in Tennessee... Everyone else is dead or in Europe” Her tone was bland, though a slight flicker in her eyes showed that it was a hard concept to talk about. 

Clearing her throat Caroline asked “Stamp please” once the stamp was in her hand she looked to Elena “And you?” 

“We have family friends in Denver” Elena muttered, still prodding at the envelope “Other than that, no one cares that I'm graduating. And to be honest, neither do I” A heavy sigh soon passing her lips as she finished her sentence. 

Caroline seemed utterly annoyed and a little devastated that the two didn’t seem as perky as herself for the graduation. But she knew they were both having a hard time, Elena had just got her emotions back and Sara just seemed off with everything. “You know, that's how you feel now, but once you get through this hating Katherine phase...” 

As if a switch clicked on in Elena's mind, her expression soon lightened eyes flickering with obsessive interest “Wait. Do you know where Katherine is?” She asked, leaning forward in her chair. 

“No…” Caroline breathed with a frown “Why would I know where she is?” 

Elena shook her head “Yeah, but Caroline, if you did, you would tell me, right?” Her tone turned eager, she needed to know where Katherine was, she just needed to. 

Caroline scowled, giving her a stern expression as she stated “Elena, you're obsessing” 

Elena leant further over the table, her elbows resting on the papers “Caroline, listen to me.” Her eyes narrowed, lips pursed “If you know where Katherine is, you have to tell me” 

“I don't Elena...” Caroline snapped, brows furrowing as she grumbled “Chill.” 

Elena nodded her head, seeming to have snapped out of her sudden mood change. As she rested back into her seat she looked over to the other brunette, as if someone clicked their fingers she was back in her fixated mood “What about you?” She asked in a rushed manor, her left hand grabbing Sara’s right “Do you know where Katherine is?” 

Sarafina looked at her, cerulean orbs colliding with chocolate brown, her expression was one of thought, she suddenly throw her free hand in the air, index finger pointing to the ceiling “Oh yeah, you know what” Her voice taking on a perky edge “She was in my bedroom this morning we had a proper good chat” She mocked, with a sarcastic grin and a roll of her eyes. 

Elena snatched her hand away, expression turning bitter. Caroline sighed, shaking her head like a exhausted parent “Sara, that’s not helping” 

Sarafina shrugged her shoulders, going back to spinning the pen. A discreet smirk curving at the corner of her lips. 


-//- Sarafina’s pov -//-  

I sat on one of the bar stools, Matt, Caroline and Rebekah with me. The first to I was happy with, the last on the other hand, I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy. As I took a sip of my drink a drumming on the roof sounded out, meaning that rain was falling, and from the sound of it, a lot. Caroline’s pretty features scrunched up as she looked at the ceiling “Is it supposed to rain tonight?” 

Rebekah scoffed, looking at her with a raised eyebrow “Do I look like a meteorologist?” 

Caroline and I rolled our eyes at her remark, I still didn’t understand why we were putting up with her. Though as if we all had a single thought we turned our stares onto Elena, my so called best friend was throwing darts at the board, quite vigorously if I might add.  

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