I looked up.

"Follow me." Rebecca told me.

It's so unfair. Why is she the only one who can climb up really high? Is she the spider woman? Hahahaha, man. I just followed her anyway. It's a little easy to follow her because her torch is still bright.

Minutes after...

"Are those real??" I asked with excitement.

Gold and other luxury is everywhere in the place!

"Yeah those are real. They're ours. The wolves just stole it from us a long time ago." She said.

"So, does it mean I can... Have this??" I asked her as I grabbed a very aesthetic, reflective, glossy, zircon looking necklace.

My words aren't enough to describe it's beauty. I think this is my first time to fell in love with a necklace.


"That's the call." Rebecca said.
I kept the necklace in my pocket as I look at Rebecca.

"It's either Michael or Leah have already reached the core." She said. "Let's go. Use your senses-- ugh never mind. I just remembered you don't have one."

"What?" I asked her.

I just followed her again until we're already near the core. We stop and about to "seriously" call the werewolves attention. Well, as I remember, the plan is when Leah or Michael reached the core, we'll be calling the wolves for them to safety kill the king as they've mentioned that the king is very private. The king is probably asleep and will be awake through full moon.

"You ready?" Rebecca asked.

"Um.. Yah.. Ahahahha..." I said as I let out a nervous laugh.

I'm feeling that my knees are shaking. I don't know how to fight several werewolves at the same time.

"What are you doing?" I asked Rebecca as I saw her about to pull a rope.

"Just watch." She said.

She pulled the rope, I quickly saw a very bright light coming near us.

"Is that... Fire?" I asked her.

She smiled and answered, "I'll just roasted them up. To make things easy."

"What?? It's fire! It's going to kill us!" I shouted.

Wolves started to appear and came at us. We fought them off. I can't count how many are they! We just finished a round and there's more! Can't believe I killed two of them!


"We better get going!" Rebecca shouted.

The fire that she create got really big! It's chasing us!

"Henley! Duck your head!" She shouted as we ran.

"What?" I asked.

"Watch out!" She screamed.

"Ughh, ouch." I said as I got up. I fucking bumped onto a very hard cave wall.

The fire is getting small now. But it's still big enough to kill us.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" I shouted as I felt the heat near my back.

Oh by the way, I used my vampy fast run through that moment, just saying because it's really cool though.

We went left as the fire went straight ahead as it get smaller.

"Phew! Hey, how do you made a fire run like that using a rope?" I asked Rebecca.

She just smiled. "Ok. I seriously get it, thanks for the smile." I said.


"I really really understand you, Rebecca." I sarcastically told her.

She grabbed my arms. Damn. These 3 werewolves were really big. Rebecca quickly climb on one of them and tried to rip off its head and damn. It doesn't work.

"Stupid!" The werewolf yelled at her and threw her really bad onto the ground.

I tried to escape but they're surrounding me.

"You want to fight me?! Huh?!" I yelled at them.

Go myself! Yes, I used to cheer for myself since kindergarten.

"Oh look at this tiny dude, he think he can fight us."

The scariest looking one picked me high up then wiggled me.

"He's kind of, ok, right?" It said as they laughed.

"What do you want? His head or his leg or his..." They just continued laughing.

"Oh, fuck off, huge furry rats!" I yelled at them.

For a moment they stopped laughing, howling, snorting. I don't understand. Okay, whatever.

"Hey you, ass." I called the scariest one holding me. "Put me down."

"Why would I?" It laughed. "When I could just swallow you easily?"

It opened his nasty mouth and slowly place me distance above it. Good bye, world?

My World Without The Sun [COMPLETED] By RedGUITARistINpink (old penname)Where stories live. Discover now