Chapter 24 - Visible but numb

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Michael' POV

We started walking to the werewolves' lair. But in all worst situation, lot of the wolves have noticed us quickly. They've caught almost half of our members. Rebecca quickly climbed up the trees to continue. Leah is with the rest. They're going to enter from the ground. Hopefully she's fine. Me and Henley fought the guards. Of course, Henley uses sticks to kill them. I also knew that he's also a vampire. It's very unbelievable. Anyway, as what I've told to Leah earlier, I've really remembered everything. Hopefully it's all it.

"Ohhhh damn!" Henley shouted.

I looked back. He just killed a wolf near to harm me.

"I just saved you, man!" Henley bragged as he high five himself.

"Can you just shut your mouth? We're trying to work quiet here. Such an idiot." I told him.

We continued walking. The cave is really big and it still had enough light source.

"Did you farted?" Henley laughed.

I just ignored him. I don't remember that it's part of my plan to work with him. Ugh.

Minutes had pass. We still can't see the way to their king. Meanwhile, Henley had a lot of fun using his sticks. He's almost a vampire, I'm not sure, and he's just really disgusted of blood going near his mouth. I still don't get him.

One more thing about Henley ands his co idiots. Are my history about them even real? Because my head have been drown into shit trash memories. I don't know. And why? Why do they even know me? Do they really know me? Now my head is bombed.


"Shut up."

I continued walking. I walk through the slippery part of the cave. I saw the jails, they're all empty.

"Prince Lothario?" Or maybe I'm wrong.

I went to the young vampire hiding in the middle part jail.

"It's really you. You came back for us!" He giggled with excitement.

I put my finger onto my mouth for a sign to keep quiet.

"Do you know where's the throne?" I asked him.

"Yeah, the king have called me there once." He said. "Follow me, I'll show you."

I followed the kid. "It's located at the core. We're pretty much near." He said.

Well, I've just realized that Henley isn't with me since I freed the kid. Suddenly, a huge werewolf saw us. It was so strong. It flipped me onto the ground. The kid started throwing fire to the wolf from his bare hands. It burnt the wolf quickly. The kid looked at me, smiling.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked him.

"My name is Luminos." He answered.

I move my head and smiled at him. We continued walking to the core.

Henley's POV

That guy. He planned this! Ha! But he failed making me lost. Michael, Michael, Michael. Oh, I smelled something tasty! Finally I could eat cooked.....what?! Ugh. This is terribly disgusting. A roasted werewolf? Seriously?

I just walked over the cooked werewolf and then luckily, I found some tracks. Look, Michael's booger. Nah just kidding. They're really no tracks to follow. And sadly, my torch is getting dim. I don't really know which way my naughty feet are leading me.


I looked around to search for the caller.


My World Without The Sun [COMPLETED] By RedGUITARistINpink (old penname)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt