Chapter one

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Dean's POV

"Another successful day such Joy". I throw my bag on the floor and collapse on the couch taking my shoes off in the process. I swear those fans are insane. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes to calm my nerves. I should probably quit smoking but damn it's addictive. at least I'm not smoking all that other stuff anymore. I get up and go to the kitchen, lucky for me one of my dumb ass foster parents taught me how to cook when I turn 14. those foster parents were the nicest that I know of. the rest were either abusive or demanding which led down to a road of many things I shouldn't have done. I open the fridge and make myself some leftover spaghetti. the crowd of fans sure know how to drain someone's energy. I heard the beep of the microwave going off making me pull the spaghetti out. I leave the kitchen and go into the living room to eat "I don't fuck with you you little stupid as bitch I ain't fucking with you" my ringtone Blared as i was eating, damn who the fuck could this be? I pick the phone up to see it was that cheating bitch Stacy. Haha decline, I put my phone down and just as I was about to put a mouthful of spaghetti in my mouth my phone blared A Different ringtone. Looking at the caller ID I see it's my manager. I throw my Fork down on the plate because apparently they don't want a motherfucker to eat. "Hello" boy you better watch yourself before I come down there and smack your ass "Stan are you secretly gay" ? what the fuck no and you know that why would you ask that dumb ass question?! *because you said you'll come down here and smack my ass" I bursted out laughing. Ugh why do you have to make things so complicated? "why are you quoting Avril Lavigne and Oh and because I'm Dean". Well Dean be ready by 6 a.m. tomorrow because you have a flight to Manhattan for the next show. now I have to go bye. well so much for a reply,hmm I guess I'm going back to Manhattan. I got up and started packing what I thought I needed. good thing I have my own jet. I grabbed my wallet and my little pistol along with the permit. It's a dangerous world so you never know. looking back at the clock I see it's already 1 a.m. so I go to sleep. my estimation is that I'll land in Manhattan around noon for the show later that evening. Time went too damn fast for my liking. groaning, geez I'm only 21 and I'm groaning like I'm 50 years old I get up and drive to the airport, boarding my luggage on the plane, I take my seat. the plane begin to take off..sighing, "time to go back to Manhattan, my hometown"

Kari POV

"No" 'oh come on Kari please'!!
"No now go away" 'please Kari my parents won't let me go unless you're with me' !! "Oh my God Riley who's flipping concert is it " 'Does that mean you'll go?' " fine I'll go now who is it" 'EEEEE you're the best Kari, now please don't be mad at me about who's concert this is'. "Spit it out" 'okay..okay it's's.....' " spit it the fuck out already" 'Dean Alibis' she said in a mumble but I've never heard her more clear. "WHAT...nevermind" 'I'm sorry I love you Kari, Just please please PLEASE Go.' "Absolutely Not" 'Please Kari you know I'm never able to do these things its a once in a lifetime for me.' She pouts and I sigh " huh fine, but this is your early birthday gift" 'EEEE thank you so much Kari, I love you so mu...... Wait how is this a birthday gift, if my birthday is in 5 months?' "It Just is " I reply, then collapse on my bed. 'UMM What on earth do you think you're doing'? "Laying in bed duh" 'Well get up we have to go shopping for the concert!!' She says all excited, and not in the mood to be arguing I just start getting ready. (3 hours later) I put my black skinny jeans on and my black hoodie on, grabbing my black and white Nike shoes, I put the on then throw my hair into a messy pony tail, before putting on light makeup and walking out of the room. 'Hurry Kari I don't wanna wait too long in line'. Did she really have the Nerve to complain? "Riley Shut up, you shouldn't talk when you dragged me through the mall for 3 HOURS" 'you know Kari, you don't have to be such a bitch all the time' "yes I do, keeps people away from me right" I replied grinning. She rolls her eyes and walks out the door. I turn around making sure I had everything. Phone, Car keys, mini purse, an escape route, kidding I'm kidding. Locking the door I go to the car, getting into the drivers seat. " I hope you know Riley that if any of these grimmy people touch me in anyway I will punch them" I deadpanned 'Kari just by looking at you, people run', She laughs. "Oh haha very funny" 'I know right' she says then flips her hair dramatically, making me laugh. I start the Car and begin the half hour car ride to the concert. And Lucky for me I get to be stuck here listening to Riley talk about "Dean". Oh Joy. ' I don't understand how you don't like him. He's so hot and his Words make you melt like chocolate, making you feel emotions like never before. His stormy grayish, blue eyes make your clit clench in wetness. I swear Kari he is a fine specimen, I mean he Can get it, he can get it all' she said licking her lips, oh gosh that's gross. "Riley please stop that's disgusting" she just laughs as we finally pull into the stadium parking lot. Wow Riles was right, this place is packed. The line was long, but lucky for us not too long. We hurried (Riley hurried) to rush in line before anyone else could. Plugging in my ear phones, I press random on my playlist and falling in reverse plays. I relax and before I knew it we were at the front of the line, handing the man our tickets. ' Hey Kari do you think Dean is cute, be serious' "I would answer that but I'm afraid I know you all to well" 'oh Darn' she replys laughing lightly. We take our seats at the front of the stage unfortunately placing me closer to the stage than I wanted to be. 'Why couldn't you just answer the question' "because you my friend are a Minx and like to fool around if you know what I mean" I say wriggling my eyebrows. She punched my arm then laughs. 'Oh shut up' "pssst I'm quiet cause I wanna be" 'oh -yo -you'. Then suddenly the light go out, making me listen to the deafening screams of fangirls. "Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, Please put your hands together, for the one and only DEAN ALIBAS" if I thought the crowd was loud before I was obviously wrong. 'Hey What's up my Sexy people' Dean said a smirk playing on his lips. Great more screams for the manwhore. Im pretty sure I heard a girl scream "I want your baby" hmm where has the respect for themselves gone? 'Alright my people, so of course I'll be singing / rapping a few songs, but I've got a surprise. I've been working on a new song, but here's the twist I'll pick a random girl in the crowd and sing it to her, How does that sound y'all'. Suddenly the whole stadium burst out is screams, nearly making me deaf. I look at Riles to see her completely awestruck 'Alright so let's get this show on the road' he said when suddenly people were bumping me and shoving me trying to get to the front. Balling up my fist I try to calm down. Riles gives me a sorry look, oh she is so gonna pay for this. "Riles can't I just wait on the car" I whined, seriously not wanting to be here. 'no you promised me Kari you'll stay plus I need you in case some shit goes down' "oh so that's why I'm here? To be your bodyguard" I grinned. 'Exactly see I knew you'd understand' she grinned back and I put my eyes back to the stage only to be met with the eye contact of Dean. He was looking at me a hint of a smirk playing on his lips as he sung his opening song. "Hey Riles, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" She glares at me but nods her head. ' you better bring your ass back' "so you only want my ass back"? I smile as she glares at me and begin to leave. I fount the restrooms, so going inside I am met with a horrendous sight. A girl probably my age, in booty shorts, and a skanky tank top. What the fuck? Its like 40 degrees outside and she's wearing that. I thought to myself. 'Oh looky here, what are you Deans little pet' looking around I see I'm the only one in the bathroom so she's either talking to me or the wall. "He wishes I would like him" I reply rolling my eyes at the cakey makeup plastered on her face. ' good cause he's mine' "okay" I said unsure. She's possessive of a dude she barely knows. "Look whoever the fuck you are, I don't give a fuck about what you want, but I am curious to say why are you so possessive over a manwhore player"? 'He is not a manwhore' the girl screeched nearly making my ears bleed. " well of course you would defend the manwhore, I mean whores gotta stick together right"? I snorted. She fumed,turning a bright shade of red before she raised her hand to what I assume was to smack me. Defense mode took over me and I grabbed her hand twisting it behind her back, and kicking the back of her knees forward til she was in a kneeling position. "We'll you're used to this position aren't you"? I grinned before turning my face completely serious. "Try to touch me again, and you'll walk out of here in a wheelchair...understand"? When she didn't respond I raised her arm up higher behind her back, resulting in a screech. "Don't make me repeat myself" I nearly growled making her wince. 'Okay im-im sorry pl- please just le-let me - g-go' I smile at her response. "Glad we're on the same page pumpkin". I drop her arm and leave the bathrooms. Why does drama always happen in public bathrooms? Walking I somehow stub my toe on the Stadium door "owe fuck" I mutter to myself. I walk in about to return to my seat when suddenly the spot light lands on me. "double fuck" being guided by the crowds cheers and boos, I look up to the front of the stage where I see dean sporting a cocky smirk. Life doesn't get any worst does it? Suddenly being guided by an escort , I find myself on stage with only 3 words in mind ..Fuck My Life

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