Chapter 5: Old Wounds

Start from the beginning

"What are you two doing?! You're sisters! Why would you want to hurt each other?" Opal shouted. They were both gasping for air. Lin collapsed to the ground but not before Korra caught her.

They placed her back in her room where she would sleep for a while to get some rest. I'm sure she was exhausted from that fight.

Bolin walked up to me afterwards. I glared at him and bended light at him, causing him to fly back into the ground.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for?" He shouted. He got back up. I shot another ball of light and he moved before it hit him, causing me to throw more.

"You embarrassed me in front of Huan!" I shouted. He got hit a couple of times. I stopped when I thought he had deserved enough punishment.

"I-I'm sorry, Vidya!" He said. "Did it work out though?" I walked up to him and I hugged him close.

"It's okay, Bolin. And yes, it did. I guess now I finally have a boyfriend." I said as I pulled away.

"That's great! I knew it would work when a push comes to a shove." He grinned. I only rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm still a bit mad at you though. That was so embarrassing! I thought he would never talk to me again!" I complained.

"Fortunately, it did." He grinned. I just walked away from him. Whatever.


Huan and I have been getting along greatly. We would talk nonstop and I would watch him sculpt. Bolin would often comment about how cute of a couple we were and I would just roll my eyes at that.

Tonight was Opal's farewell dinner. What was weird was that we never actually talked. Yeah, we had the occasional "hey", but that was it.

"Everyone, if I could have your attention please." Su said as she stood up, tapping her glass. "Tonight my beautiful little girl leaves for the northern air temple. Opal, none of us could be more proud of you. You're an incredible daughter, sister, friend, and soon to be airbending master." Su kissed her forehead.

Next to me, I could hear Wei and Wing sniffling. Aw, how cute. Her brothers will miss her. My brother didn't miss me when I left. But, hey, whatever. Huan rolled his eyes at his brothers actions. Aw, how cute~

"Here's to Opal. May she help lead us into the new era." We all raised our glasses and drank.  After dinner, we all watched Opal leaving in the airship.

We all waved bye.

"We'll head out first thing in the morning." Lin said. My eyes widened in realization. I would be leaving Huan!

"Vidya, we have to spend as much time as we  can before you leave tomorrow." Huan said as we held hands and looked deeply into each other's eyes.

"Yes, we must!" I said.

We walked away, heading inside where we talked the entire night. We heard loud sirens going off.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It isn't good. Someone's in trouble." Huan said.

"We have to go and help," I said, standing up to take action.

"No. I'm not much of a fighter. I'm an artist. I don't use my bending to fight." He said. I sat back down. Whatever it was, I'm sure it couldn't be that bad. And if it was, the Avatar could handle it.

"Oh, okay." I said.

It wasn't until morning that I heard that Korra was kidnapped by Zaheer that entered and attempted to kidnap her. It didn't work though.

I didn't get into the investigation because the others could figure it out. As long as we got to stay a little longer, I was perfectly fine with that. I got to spend some time with Huan and that was all that mattered to me right now.

Huan and I actually made a real connection. I thought for a fact that this relationship could actually work, maybe. Well, even though we've only been dating for just a short amount of time. Are we moving too fast?

News was heard later in the day that we would be leaving first thing in the morning. I was devastated to have to leave Huan.

Suddenly, I was pulled by Korra.

"Korra, what is it?" I asked.

"We're leaving. Now." Korra said. My eyes widened. "We don't have to time to say goodbye to your boyfriend." I nodded my head, understanding.

I quickly turned back to Huan and hugged him. "Come visit me some time. And write plenty of letters." I whispered in his ear. He nodded his head into the hug and I pulled away, not before he grabbed me back and kissed me tenderly on the lips. I blushed madly before pulling away with a smile.

"I love you," I said and then I ran off before he could say anything else. I shed a few tears because of the sudden action.

Who knows how long I'll be able to see him again? Was I being overdramatic?

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