Chapter 7: Everyone Ships It

Start from the beginning

'Screw this. I'm having a sweet, nice and comfy dream just about now.'
"Guys... shut up for a minute or two... I'm still sleepy."

"Mm..." Wait...did someone just 'mm-ed' on my neck? I open one eye to see someone else's neck. My eyes began to widen as I gaze up and up and up- not again.

Aka had his legs wrapped around mine, his arms were around my waist. I was facing him and I hate to admit this but since we're about the same height when we slept, my face was almost close to his.

And the weird thing is, because I've been squirming for three minutes, my body was pulled and the next thing happened was the embarrassing moment of my entire life.

As his soft lips touches mine, everyone around me took out their phones.

My eyes began to widen as Aka kept on pulling me.

Until this situation got worst as it is called kissing.

1 Hit!

Wait...why does it feel so...nostalgic?

2 Hits!

I noticed that his lips fits perfectly on mine. This isn't a cliche movie. This isn't a cliche movie. This isn't a cliche movie!

3 Hits!

Sh-Should I push him away?
Or stay like this 'till he wakes up? Heeeeeeelp!

4 Hits!

Crap, he keeps on pulling me! Now it's starting to get deeper! THIS KISS HAS GOT TO END!

5 Hits!

"Hm-mm.." Shit, shit shit! He's waking up!

6 Hits!

- Wake up? That's it! I should just wake him up!


Wait...Waaait! Did he-- did he just?! Did he just licked my bottom lip?!


7 Hits!

Wait! He shouldn't wake up!

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crappity-crap crap crap! He IS licking it!!!

He might be dreaming about an ice cream that's about to melt and he's gonna have to eat it fast before it disappear and turns into a plain old water!!!

8 Hits!

"K-Koutaru..." (Taisei)

"Karma-kun?" (Nagisa)

"Hey, are they making out?!" (Yuzuki)

"From the looks of it, Kou-chan's resisting." (Isogai)

"Wait, don't tell me Karma's been planning all of this?!" (Teresaka)

9 Hits!

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