Chapter 5 & 6: Test Subject Araki ; When Life Gives You Lemons

Start from the beginning


*Araki's PoV*

After that explosion, in which I've cause the whole lab to fall apart, right now, there's a pillar on top of me.

It hurts.

The reaction was... it wasn't in control at that time.

* What happened awhile ago *

The glass cell broke into shreds,
the scientist started to chase me after leaving that experiment lab.

There was no way out..

While running through the empty halls, red light flashes on and off..

It was an alarm.

I got cornered, slowly the tentacles reacted on its own. But it wasn't thinking like people.

One of the scientist grab hold of me from behind.

There it is again..

My Seek is gone. They took it.

Then the worst thing happened. They injected a serum on my neck, and the reactions are starting to lose control.

I wonder what that serum did?

It starting to attack the scientist here and there.
It crashed into a wall, then the wall began to shatter.

They are so cheap.

One by one, pillars, boulders, and heavy objects started to fall.

And that's how I got into this mess.

* End of Flashback *

Right now, I'm starting to see darkness. I've been calling for help millionth times, but no one seems to be alive anymore.

Heh, I don't even know where this lab was located. Instead, I let the darkness swallow me.

Karma might think I'm giving up already, but I won't. I still need to get out of here and make my father proud, remember?

I promised him that even a girl that is dressed like a boy would make it to the top.

If only a miracle would happen. Like there's going to be Superman arriving and carry the pillar that's on top of me...


Oh, what was I thinking.

Death sure is unavoidable, every person has death. But unless you're with someone who could fight your death, that'd be epic.

The reactions weren't responding.. is it dead? No.. if it was dead, then I'd be dead also. But.. I'm still conscious, so I think I can at least make it move this pillar.

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