Chapter 2: Be My Side

Beginne am Anfang

( E Class )

It's been an hour since Araki went to the faculty, Nagisa is starting to get worried.

"Ara..." Karma spoke when he woke up from his slumber, the whole time when Koro Sensei have just returned from his lunch break a while ago.

"Hm.. that's weird. Ara's presence disappeared right now, did she left?"

The whole E Class, including Itona, sweatdropped. Why, Karma really is an idiot when it comes to Araki.

Koro Sensei used his Mach 20 to go to the faculty office but saw no one. He went back to the 3-E Class, "Koutaru-kun is not in the faculty." Once the octopus said that, everyone started to shriek.

Karma took off first as he dashes out of the room. Sugino, Maehara and the others came after.

'There is no doubt that the one who's been looking for her kidnapped Ara. I wasn't sleeping. Each and every word Koro Sensei spilt, I had a hunch. And for someone to kidnap that stubborn girl...'

"Curse you, Shiro"

Somewhere in a secret lab...

( Araki's pov )

Dang.. my head hurts..

Huh? What the... I can't move my body, damn it!

That Shiro! I am so gonna kick-

"Ah! Q-Quit that whoever's doing it! That hurts, you know!"
Someone has just injected my arm and damn, that person doesn't know how!

"Ah, you're awake. I'm very sorry but please bear with the pain afterwards."

A male..? Screw him, I can't move my freakin' body. And to think they also put a blindfold on me, sheesh.

"Oi, whoever you are, let me go. I'm not good enough to be injected by." Even when I'm blindfolded, I could sense him about to inject another. "Hey! Don't you dare point another one at me, you damn retard!"

"Oh? So the story was true. You could sense anything even without looking. Very impressive, Koutaru Araki"

'What the.. how'd he know-'

"How did I know your name? You just thought, right?"

He's reading me... 'Crap.' I nodded.

He chuckled as if on cue, a familiar voice suddenly adds in. I don't know where I am right now but it feels like I'm in a lab room being experimented. Well, that's what my guts tells me and my guts are never wrong, that's for sure.

There's an injection, its smell is like a newly made drug.

"How is she? Is she awake? Does she have any injuries or-or wounds?" The familar voice uttered.

"Do not worry, she's awake, and no. No injuries or any types of wound founded." Replied the man from earlier.

The familiar voice sighs in relief, from the sound of it. Then a sharp pain had just struck my head. I yelped in pain.

"Ahhh!! What the hell?! I-It's k-killing me!! S-Stop it, damn it!!" A few curses here and there. The pain was unbearable. And to add, it's my freaking head that's in pain!


Before I could even lose consciousness, 'I knew that voice.. but why can't I take a hint..'

Before I even knew my body was taken somewhere, Dad's happy face suddenly appeared.

Dad was here...

* * *

((A/N: And thus, the chapter ends here. It took a while for me come up with Chapter 3.)

Yeah, I know. Araki's been acting high and mighty like Karma.

Araki: Am not.

Mikey: Um. Am too.

Araki: Am.Not.Period.

Mikey: *irritated* AM.TOO.PERIOD.END OF CHAPTER.

Karma: *suddenly pops out of no where* Matta ne~ *winks*


2nd Feb 2k17

(2)Merciless | ansastu kyoushitsu ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt