"Sir, this is not possible!" Chekhov frowned, "We are still next to Earth, but at that speed we should have left it long ago!"

It was true, Earth appeared on the screen, as if the high speed had never occurred.

"Sir, the Klingon ship is retreating," Sulu spoke up, and indeed the Klingon ship was heading out of the area, and then disappeared behind their cloaking device.

"Try to get in contact with that ship!" Captain Kirk commanded.

"Sir, they are not responding," Uhura sighed, and Kirk nodded.

"The ship appears to have left." Spock spoke, "Which is most illogical. Why would they have followed us here, appeared somewhat aggressive, and then left?"

"I don't know, we'll have to contact Starfleet, but for now can you get in contact with Earth?" Kirk asked Uhura, who shook her head.

"I cannot, I don't understand it. They aren't answering on any frequency."

"Not only that, but the space station that is supposed to be on the other side of the planet is not there," Spock said, and Kirk looked shocked.

"It's what?" Captain Kirk asked, and Spock shook his head.

"Unless my instruments are failing, Earth seems to have undergone serious changes while you were away. Not only is the space station absent, but the technology on the planet is that of many years ago. Mid twentieth century I'd say." Spock raised his eye brow and looked at the captain, who was speechless at this discovery.

"What's happened?" Kirk said after a moment, his voice quiet with shock, "Do you think we should go down and look?"

"I do not have a logical answer to that, considering the drastic changes of the planet. Perhaps, if you did, it would be logical to bring security with you, just in case. We do not know the cause of these changes, but it would be logical to assume that whatever is happening has something to do with that Klingon ship," Spock told his captain, who nodded slowly.

"Security, send two men to the transporter room. Sulu, if the Klingon ship returns, try anything you can think of to avoid combat. Scotty?" Kirk contacted the engine room.

"Yes captain?"

"Try to find out why the engines behaved the way they did, I'm going down to the planet's surface. Spock, Chekhov, come with me." The three then left the bridge, Kirk saying the correct deck.

"Sir, I was using my scanners, and I've found that it would be a mistake to transport in some places, due to population. I recommend we transport down to a place where the population is low, just in case." Spock told Kirk, who nodded.

"Where do you recommend?" Kirk asked.

"I suggest some countryside or similar place. I was just examining the British Isles, and I was thinking that it may be good to go down outside one of the large cities."

Kirk nodded as they walked out onto the deck and then into the transporter room. Spock gave the correct coordinates, and then the two security officers, Spock, Chekhov, and Kirk stepped onto the transporter platform.

The five were beamed down and found themselves beside a road. Close by stood a city unlike anything that should be found on Earth. Instead of the streamlined buildings that should be in view, large brick, cement, wood, and similar structures could be seen.

"What has happened?" Chekhov stared around them, and Spock began some scanners.

"Scanners show that life forms are all human and normal, and they are all in that city, London." Spock pointed, and Kirk nodded.

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