You're Amazing

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I was the first one up so I took a shower trying to wash away the shame I felt but sadly it was still there. I got out and without drying off I changed into my purple galaxy leggings, a solid black top, and my black vans.

I walked back into the room to find them still asleep so I sat on the floor and leaned up against the bed. I pray to god that I'm not pregnant. 

I'm sixteen and Devin's just eighteen. We can't raise a kid. Besides I want to finish high school, graduate college then get into the medical field then I want to get married and have children but this is way too early in the process. I want to live my life maybe go to jail for underage drinking or run down the street streaking. I want to have fun before I have to settle down. The point is I want to just live before I have to change diapers.

I hear a yawn and I looked back Alice up and stretching. 

"Why are you up so early?" She asks getting up. I shrugged still thinking of how screwed I am. 

"Sweetie it's going to be okay." She says coming and sitting next to me. 

"No it's not, I'm going to be a teenage mother." I sobbed into my hands. 

"No matter what happens you always got me and Rach." She hugs me before she goes into the bathroom.

I stood up and sat on the edge of the bed wiping away the few tears that had slid down my face.

I hear my phone beep I sniffled and picked it up. 

"Where are you?" I read a text from Devin. I replied back I'm still sick.

"Rachel get up." I sighed shaking her. 

"Leave me alone." She groans. 

"Appointment today." I stated. She sighs and throws the covers off of her. 

~At the Appointment~

I was sitting in the doctor's office waiting for the doctor person to come in. I swear I was shaking with nervousness until the doctor came in. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting, so what brings you here today?" She asks pulling up a chair. 

"I think I'm pregnant." I sighed. 

"You think?" She questioned. 

"Well I took a test but they can be inaccurate sometimes right?" I ask. 

"Yeah you right, so why'd you think you're pregnant?" She asks crossing her legs. 

"Well the test for starters also I'm very late on my period and lately I just been feeling moody and hungry also the vomiting." I sighed. 

She nods as she takes notes. She stands up and started going through the cabinets looking for something. 

"Okay Alley, here's a cup for you to pee in then when you're done you give to me and I'm going to go test it." She says handing me a pee cup. 

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask. "At the end of this hall" She says opening the door. 

"Thanks." I sighed walking out the room and into the bathroom.

It didn't take me any time to pee in the cup. When finished I capped the cup and wiped then wash my hands.

I walked out and back into the room and handed her the cup. 

"It's going to take a couple minutes to test this." She says before walking out of the room.

I took out my phone to see I had messages from Devin. Just as I opened the first message he's calling. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Hey where are you?" He asks sounding worried. 

"I'm at the doctors." I sighed. 

"Why? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly. I was debating in my head should I just tell him now. 

Before I knew it I said "I think I might be pregnant." then I hung up and turned my phone off. 

I took a deep breath and just sat there waiting for my results.

Devin POV

Then she hung up the phone and I dropped mines. She thinks she's pregnant and we never once used protection when we have sex.

I walked outside to the bleachers and spotted the new girl sitting on the bleachers having a smoke which I can really use right now. 

"Hey, can I have one of those?" I asks and she looks at me. 

"Sure." She says giving me the pack and the lighter. I then took in all her facial features. She had sea green eyes, flawless skin, and long blonde hair. She showed her body off with white short shorts, a brown belt, a white top with lace sleeves and white studded all-star converses. I was basically checking her out because she's so hot. 

"Who are you?" I ask. 

"I'm Kimber, I'm new." She smiles. 

"Shouldn't you be in class, Kimber?" I questioned with a smirk. 

"Well I got bored." She smiles. 

"By the way I'm Devin." I said sitting down next to her.

"Nice to meet you Devin" She smirks seductively. Before I knew it I pressed my lips against hers. She kisses me back.Suddenly I have this realization. I push her away and just got up and left. 

I can't do this to Alley.

Alley POV

"Hey." I smile as I enter the coffee shop.

"Hey." He gets up and kisses me.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"No, I have to tell you something." He takes a deep breath avoiding eye contact. "I kissed some girl today. I was going to sleep with her when I realized I couldn't hurt you." He explains.

"Who was the girl?"

"I don't know her. She's new, her name is Kimber." He says looking down.

"Kimber? Huh." 

"What? Do you know her?" He asked.

"Yeah. She lives with me. My mom just moved in because she was evicted and lost her job and she's raising Kimber and her brother for her friend who died." I explain.

"So you're not mad at me?" He asked. 

"I'm thrilled but I'm happy you came to your sense before you fucked her." I smile.

He chuckles and reaches out to grab my hand.

"You're amazing. So are you pregnant?" 

"I am." 

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"I want to keep the baby." I respond.

"You know I'll always be here for you through it all." He smiles at me. 

"You're the best."

One Party, One Drink, One Boy, One Mistake (Teenage Pregnancy) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now