Chapter 16: The Old Team

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Okay, so this had some new characters in it and quite a few, so I'll put in pictures after each introduction to show what they basically look like. Brownie points for whoever gets all of the people their based off of correct! Also, pictured above is the base. ~Vex

3rd Person POV

The drive to Quantico was quiet. Few words were spoken between you two as you took turns driving.

The air was dull and still, the grey sky outside reflecting the mood of the car.

Jazz was playing softly on the radio, a smooth tune, slightly upbeat, yet still somber.

You watched through the window as both fields and towns rolled past. Laurent looked at you out of the corner of his eye. He moved one hand from the steering wheel to your knee, a gesture of comfort. You said nothing, but gave him a small smile in return. The drive would take a few more hours at least, so you turned your gaze back out of the window, and drifted off to sleep.

Your POV

Rain pattered softly on my umbrella. Melancholy faces watched as the priest spoke, supposed 'words of comfort' on this, the saddest day of my life.

The caskets were lowered, and the priest gestured to me. I looked up with clouded eyes. My feet moved of their own will, towards the mahogany boxes that held my parents. I took a hand-full of dirt and cast in on the coffin of my mother, another hand-full landing on my father soon after.

Faces passed and hands shook mine, nameless souls whose words held no meaning for me. As the last few people trickled away, the ghost of the priests hand comfortingly at my back, I was left alone, staring at their tombstones.

I spoke no words as I bent my knee, having no care for the state of my coal-black dress. I said nothing, but made promise to the souls of the departed.

'I swear to you. I will find who did this. If it leads me to my last breath, I will find them.

And I will kill them.'

(Dream end)

A hand on my shoulder woke me.

"Mon amour, I believe we are here."

I slowly open my eyes and saw our destination, an abandoned warehouse just south of Quantico. I stepped out of the car and closed the door, taking the letter out of my pocket as I did so. I looked at the address on it and looked at the building.

I looked at Laurent and nodded. This was definitely the place. I put the letter back into my pocket and we entered the building. The metal garage was the only entrance, and it was locked. I knocked in a pattern, one only my old team knew.

After a few moments, the door slid up and a gun was pointed at my face. I didn't even blink.

"Put that down before you get hurt Gary."

The gun lowered and a small face with round glasses squinted at me, before turning into a face of joy.

"(Your codename)! Guys, she's here!" He looked at me and then to Laurent who was standing patiently behind me

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"(Your codename)! Guys, she's here!" He looked at me and then to Laurent who was standing patiently behind me. "Who's the suit?"

Laurent looked at me, and I nodded, letting him know that I trust them completely. "Laurent, a pleasure."

Gary looked at him skeptically, eyes squinted once again. "Laurent? What, no last name? Hmph. Whatever, c'mon in (y/c/n), and you too I guess. The rest of the team's waitin' for ya."

The inside of the base looks just like I remember it, if just a bit dustier. Desks were scattered around, decorated with things that all but screamed who owned it. In the far back was a bunch of lab equipment, separated into two different sections. One was covered in fake, black spiderwebs and various band paraphernalia. The other side was full of nerdy things, action figures and the like. Sitting on their respective sides, were Abby and Owen. They turned their chairs at our entrance, and Abby shot out of her seat, energetic as usual.

 They turned their chairs at our entrance, and Abby shot out of her seat, energetic as usual

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"(Y/c/n)!" She ran to give me a hug, and I took my hands out of my pockets to reciprocate. Owen walked up behind her and smiled at me.

 Owen walked up behind her and smiled at me

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"Nice to see you again (y/c/n)."
"You too Owen."

Abby pulled away, looking at Laurent over my shoulder. "Who's he?" She asked, whispering to me.

I stepped back a bit and waved my hand towards Laurent.

"Abby, Owen, meet Laurent. My boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?!" They yelled at the same time. Abby looked between us with a smile on her face. Owen just looked confused.

"I'm so happy for you!" said Abby. She looked at Laurent. "You'd better be taking care of her!"

Laurent chuckled. "Of course, although I think we both know that she can take care of herself very well." They both chuckled.

"Owen," I said, "What's the matter?"

He looked at me, then to Laurent, and back. He took a deep breath and said.

"'S nothing. But um, you should probably know that um, well... James, is here too."

"Shit..." I said, putting a hand on my forehead.
"Why do you look so worried mon amour?"
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I turned to him and looked him in the eye.

"Look, I really didn't want you to find out like this, but um... God, how do I say this?"

"Mon amour, whatever it is, you can tell me."

I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath, hearing footsteps descending the stairs next to us. And I'd know those footfalls anywhere.

"Laurent, meet James."

I turned my body to look at the person walking down.

"My ex-fiance."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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