Chapter 7: Getting to Know You

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Your POV
"Done." It's been an hour since Spy showed me to my room. Since then, I've put my things away and read a good portion of my book. My room was fairly plain: a queen-sized bed, two bookshelves by the door, and a small desk to the right wall. What I loved most about the room, was the size. It was much bigger than I expected, with windows reaching from the floor to the ceiling: a perfect view of the desert. PLENTY of floor space too. Which reminds me... I go to my laptop and open my e-mail. There's one from Amazon, confirming my order. Hopefully it gets here soon.

There's a knock on my door. I open it to see the Bostonian runner. 

"What's up Scout?" 

"Heya toots! Dinner's ready, Engie sent me ta get ya." 

"Sweet, let's go." I close my door, and headed downstairs. Before I even enter the room, the smell of chili hits my nose. When we walk in, Demoman saw us, and gave Engie the spoon the was stirring with. 

"There ya are lassie! Sorreh I didn't get ta greet ya, I was piss drunk." He shook my hand with a strong yet gentle grip. "Names Tavish, or Demo." 


"Well (y/n), Ah hope ya like chili!" I smiled and nodded.

Once everyone, bar spy, arrived, we all grabbed a bowl of chili and sat down. They eat together, like a family. I thought to myself. It was mostly small talk between them all, but then Engie spoke up. "So (y/n), Ah don' mean ta sound formal, but tell us about yerself."

"Oui, cheri. I for one am very curious." Spy said, only just joining us. He had this look in his eyes, one I know all to well. He looked up my file.

"Well, where to begin? I had a fairly average life. Graduated top of my class in high school, went on to study criminal investigation. I worked for the CIA for a few years, then retired to be a mercenary. The CIA still contacts me for odd-jobs though," I finished. 

"Interesting, but vat is your class frau? Ve vere not told," Medic asked. 

"Agent." Scout chuckled. 

"Looks like ya got some competition Spy!" 

"Not really," I said, "While there are many similarities, I can tell you know it's not the same thing." 


"Well, for one thing, while Spies use more of a stealthy approach, I'm more head-on, making me an offence class, not support."

"Well now boys, I'd like to make a toast: to our new merc. Welcome to tha family (y/n)." They all raised their glasses, toasted, and we continued chatting.


After dinner, I offered to wash the dishes. Engie insisted otherwise, but I told him I had nothing better to do, which was true.

"Bonjour, ma cheri," Spy said, leaning against the counter next to me. "I quite enjoyed learning more about you." 

"Thanks, though I'm sure I didn't say anything you didn't already know." He looked shocked. 

"How did you-" 

"I've worked for three US government agencies, I know how to read people. You walked in here with a glint in your eye, you looked up my file. Am I wrong?" His face softened, and he smiled, lightly chuckling. 

"Non, you are not." 

"So you no doubt questions as to why certain parts were blacked out?" 

"Oui." I sighed, and turn to him. 

"Look, I have a.... complicated past. Stuff I don't want people to know." 

"Why?" I look him in his , rather handsome, blue eyes. 

"We all have our demons. Mine can never see the light of day..." I look down at my feet, not wanting to remember. 

"Very well." I perk up. 


"Oui. While I 'ave only known you a short while, but I already hold more respect for you than the others. If you do not wish me to pry, I won't." 

"You mean it?" He smiled softly and took my hand, placing it over his heart. I felt my own heartbeat quicken. 

"Gentleman's honor." 

"Thank you," I say, a blush evident on my face. "Bon Nuit Spy."

"Bon Nuit (y/n)."

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