Chapter 15: The Letter

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Spy's POV
My internal clock awoke me, as it usually does. I opened my eyes to the light of the morning, and felt a stirring next to me. I looked over to see a magnificent picture: (y/n) sleeping next to me, a small smile on her beautiful face. The morning light illuminated her breathtaking visage. She was naked, memories of last night dancing wonderfully in my head. She shifted, her back now facing me, and although I wished for nothing more than to lay in bed with her all day, it was time to get up.

I scooted closer to her, wrapping an arm around her naked waist. I buried my face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her lovely scent. I placed a kiss on the base of her neck, slowly kissing my way up to the spot behind her ear. She giggled as I made my way up with feather-light kisses. She shivered when I kissed behind her ear, and I smirked.

"Bonne matin, mon amour."
"Bonne matin," she said.
"Did 'ou sleep well?"
"Mm hmm." She turned around in my arms, and I could now see her beautiful face perfectly. We looked into each other's eyes with loving gazes. I moved my hand to her face, my thumb brushing her cheek. I smiled.

"You are so beautiful..." She blushed and slapped my chest playfully.
"Shut up!"
"Non," I said. I grabbed her gently by the waist and leaned over her, kissing her deeply. She framed my face with her hands. I licked her bottom lip, and she granted me entrance. Our tongues danced together, before I ran my tongue along the roof of her mouth, and when I pulled away, she whined.

I sighed. "It is time to get up."
She groaned. "Do we have to?"
"Unfortunately, Oui." I quickly pecked her lips and got up.


"Mornin' Spook."
"Bushman." I said, going to the cabinet to retrieve a mug for my morning coffee.
"How's the Sheila? She doin' alroight?" He was of course referring to her lack of performance on the field.
"She is well. Back to her old self."
"That's good. Ever figure out what was wrong?"
"Oui." I stated simply. He stared at me.
"Care to share?"
"Non. She has shared with me in confidence, and I intend to keep my word." He scoffed.
"How noble..." I set my mug in the machine and turned to him.
"Do you have a problem with me keeping the secret my girlfriend entrusted me with?"
"Your a Spy, you do anything but keep secrets."
"I know numerous things about every person on this team that I've refrained from sharing."
I looked around before stating plainly, "For example, I have yet to tell anyone of your relationship with my BLU counterpart." He choked on his coffee.
"How the bloody hell do you-"
"As you said, I am a Spy. I know zese zings."
"..." He was silent, obviously shocked that someone knew of his personal affairs.
"Do not worry Monsieur, if I wished to expose you, I would've done so already. I won't tell a soul."
"....Swear it?"
"On my honor."
"...Thank you...."

"Mornin' Slim! Spy."
"Mornin' Engie."
"Laborer." Engineer walked in, the monthly be of mail in his arms.
"Let's see here..." He started shuffling through the box.
"Nothin' for Spy, as usual." I just nodded.
"Hmm... Sniper, ya got a package from your ma." He handed Sniper a small parcel. Sniper thanked him, and went back to his camper.
Everyone filed in one by one, Engineer handing them their mail. (Y/n) came in last.

"Hey guys." She said, a smile on her face. Everyone greeted her, save Demoman, who was already passed out drunk.
"Hey darlin! Ya got mail." He handed her a letter.
"Thanks Engie!" She came to stand next to me.
"Who is it from?" I asked.
"Huh, an old colleague of mine. From the FBI." She opened the letter and started reading. She only made it halfway through the letter, before running out of the room.

"Mon amour?!" I yelled. I chased after her. She had gone to her room. When I walked in she was... packing?
"(Y/n)? What are you doing?"
"Packing." She said hurriedly. She stuffed clothes into her bad carelessly, more concerned with her weapons. Something was very wrong.

"Mon amour."
"(Y/n,) darling."
"What?!" She yelled at me.
"You need to calm down! Take a breath." She looked at me before doing so.
"What happend?" She sighed.

"It-it's about my parents. Their case went cold but, my old boss... He said they found a lead."
My mouth hung open a bit. "What? What is it?"
"I don't know. He didn't want to risk putting it in the letter. That's why I need to leave." She closed her bag. She started towards the door, but I blocked her path.
"Non." She stared angrily at me.
"You're not going. Not alone." I ran to my room. I grabbed the bag I have packed for emergency missions, and went back to her.
"Laurent, you don't have to-"
"Non, I do not," I placed my hand on her cheek. "But I want to. I'm not letting you do this alone."
Her eyes began to water.

"Mon amour, I swear to you, if we find those who killed your parents, I will make them pay." I leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"Let's go."

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