[03] - stormy skies

Start from the beginning

Ben unzipped his silvery one piece that was over the blue synthetic suit everyone was wearing. As he looked around, he asked, "Is it safe?"

"The shields on the station should protect us." Reed explained. That caught both Tony's and Ben's attention.


"What's the matter, Ben?" The three looked over to Victor who was walking towards them with his overconfidence radiating off him like heat. "Getting paranoid in your old age?"

"Let's start loading those samples. Tony, makes sure you have everything and the samples are all set. Get your suit ready, Ben." Reed said, trying to ignore Victor. Tony nodded and looked at Ben, waiting for him to stop staring down Victor so they could go. Just as he was turning around, Victor opened his mouth again.

"So I see you're still doing all the heavy lifting. Maybe you should have stayed in the lab; fieldwork never suited you."

Ben turned back around and walked towards Victor, "He does the talkin', I do the walkin'. Got it?"

"Then what does she do?" Tony's eyes met with Victor's when she was mentioned, kinda being surprised since he hadn't acknowledged her at all. "Plays with the pretty flowers?"

"These pretty flowers are about to make you more rich than Tony Stark. You really want to start something?"

Ben and Reed's eyes widened at Tony's rebuttal, they have never heard her talk back like that to anyone of authority or high standings in the 2 years they have all known each other. Ben let a smile slip onto his face and Reed stayed wide eyed. Victor tried not to act surprised by what she said, but it had hit a cord with him that someone other than Ben had stood up to him. Instead, he smirked and looked back at the astronaut, "You like walkin' Ben? So go and take a walk. Actually, if you'll all excuse me, I need to borrow Susan for a moment."

As silence swept over the room, Ben gave Tony a look before starting to head out to wear they needed to get ready; Tony following seconds later. She didn't even notice Johnny rushing to her side as the three of them all walked in the same direction. Reed had gone a different route to go and check on the storm that was approaching, leaving the girl alone with two astronauts.

"Has Victor always acted like a ... douche?" Tony asked, breaking the silence in the group. Ben laughed at her choice of name and Johnny looked at her funny.

"Douche? Victor's awesome."

Tony looked at Johnny like he had grown a third eye, "Did you not see that back there? 'Playing with flowers. ' I earned my masters in Botany thank you very much and it wasn't just so I could play with flowers." Tony said back, her voice raising. Ben looked at her and smiled, not liking that Victor was getting under her skin but liking that she wasn't such a pushover at Reed.

The group walked a little farther before getting to their destination and Ben going to put on his space suit. Tony had knelled down to check the storage container that the samples would be in when something moved out of the corner of her eye. Looking up, she saw Johnny kneeling besides her, watching her work on one of the capsules. He looked looked up from her hand to her bright green eyes which was watching him confused.

"What is it?" She asked, putting down the capsule into the storage container and sealing the top. Johnny sighed before started to talk.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said. Back on Earth," Johnny said, a small smile coming onto his face when saying Earth like he was an alien or something. Tony caught this and a small smile crept on her face as well. "We're both here to do a job so let us do that and maybe when we get back we can... go out or something."

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