Chapter 6

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Jungkook POV

„Where is she!" I screamed at the doctor while running out of Yeri's room.

„She is in her room. You don't need to scream." the doctor answered.

„Well, one problem she isn't!"
I said.

The doctor looked into the room with widened eyes.

„Now tell me, where is she!"

The doctor walked in to a room and I followed him of course

It was a room full of screens.
Probably recording everything what's happening in the hospital.

„Let's just look at three hours ago, that was the last time I checked on her."

We skipped to three hours ago and I saw the doctor walking out of Yeri's room, and then the recording stopped.

It got deleted!

(A/N Like my chapter that was already done)

„I'm calling the police! It can't be that she got out of the room by herself! She was in freaking coma!" I whisper shouted.

„Well you better do or else-"

„Or else what?" I cut him off.

„Or else you'll never see her again."

Fuck! I should have been there for her, look over her.
Then she probably wouldn't have gotten kidnapped.

Man I'm so dumb!

I probably wouldn't even have had a chance with her if she wasn't forced to.

If the police doesn't find her than I do it myself!
Even if I have to work at the fucking FBI!

I would do it for her.

After a while that seemed to like hours the police arrived and inspect everything in the room Yeri got hospitalized and near it.

What they found: Nothing! Not even a little fingerprint.

Ok so now I'm on myself.

I definitely have to give up my dream as a singer.

I should better rush to the police man that is going to drive back to the police office.

„Hey uhm, do you still have a place for me? I want to work in the police and later on in the FBI." I asked the officer.

„Kid, you really want her back. But you know you have to train hard for that, only the best out of the best get in the FBI." he told me.

I only nodded at what he was saying.

„Come with me kiddo, I have faith in you, you seem pretty muscular. You've even hurt your leg really badly, yet you don't show it. Respect. Your training starts today. You've been given a chance that not many get, almost no one." the officer said.

We got in his car and drove to the office. As we arrived, he immediately started with the training.

„You can be happy that I don't have work for the next months or no one could train you. First you're going to show me how fast you can run this 60 m relay." he told me.

„Easy." I said.

(Imagine him running this like on Isaac 2016)

„Wow almost new world record.
You definitely are good at running, next is swimming. Wear these clothes" he said and I obeyed him.

I changed into the swimming underwear and we headed to the to the pool.

When I stood on this thing that you are before jumping into the water the police officer said: Nice abs you have that shows that you go to the gym.

„Are you gay or something?" I asked him.

„Gosh, hell no. I'm married and have two daughter that fangirl over some south Korean boy band."

„How come I don't know your name, and what boy band do they fangirl over?"

„My name is Alex and my two daughters fangirl over some band called BTS, I already know your name, it's Jungkook.
Now get ready and .... start!" Alex screamed at the last part and I jumped into the water and swam as fast as I could.

„Wow, 45 seconds! You're really good at this too." :Alex

The next thing I had to show him was diving and how long I could hold my breath, I proceeded at those two things and then I could wear my normal clothes again.

„Ok so from now on we're gonna check all these things that you just did every month to see if you're getting better or worse and for now you are going to learn how to handle a gun and other things that cops do, like how to act if someone drives to fast or doesn't fasten their seatbelt, things like that." :Alex

„Let's begin!" I said.

Unknown POV


we've got his weakest point and that is her.

Luckily, she doesn't remember anything from amnesia.

I'm gonna train her and then force her to kill him.

Someone else POV

I woke up in room with pink walls and many windows.

Where am I? Who am I?
And what am I doing here?

The door flew open and a tall girl with long black hair came in and introduced herself as Stella.

I don't know why but I feel like I know this name from somewhere.

„Who am I?" I asked her.

„You are Brook, you probably even forgot you're name and I'm your best friend. You are right now in your room, in your house and forgot suddenly your memories. No one knows why but you just did. You are currently 17 years old and go to highschool. That's all you need to know for now." this 'Stella' girl told me who addresses herself as my best friend.

I don't know why but I don't trust thus chick at all


A/N hello guys thank you so much for you almost 500 reads!

Thanks for all the votes and comments next update next week!

And Please check out my other story I fell in love with my bully, I might change the title because I'm not really satisfied with it.

Anyeong! ☺😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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