1.Blot on the family name.

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I might be living in a crazy world but a crazier world is living within me~

Farishta's P.O.V--

"Five more minutes, you stupid alarm!" I yelled as I kicked off the alarm and nestled myself more in my warm bed.

The air mingled with the chilly morning wind, swept inside with streaks of sunshine that peaked through the blinds. The sun bright yet limbus clouds loomed over, while pouring out it's brilliant hot oranges and reds like a pot of molten lava. It's rays like fingers stretched across the darkened sky, bringing with a new day. A new day filled with loads of freshness and beauty, waiting to be discovered. Whereby such a dazzling beauty seemed appealing, it was 6 in the morning when people next door were quite busy enveloping themselves in their beauty sleep and happily dozing off.

"Now now! This isn't what I see, is it? Oh for crying out loud, always had this nightmare that you should've been admitted to an asylum but today seems like bitter reality is proving it so. Screaming to a whatsoever deaf alarm, are you?" Mom taunted, a flicker of drama evident in her tone as she entered my room.

"I object here, my honor! I'd beg to differ, for I can assure that it sure is dead not deaf judging by its nonstop blaring sound effect it has" I groaned internally, acting like my presence was in court.

"Funny, cause for all I know, if you don't get up right this instant then your condition would be somewhat similar. Meaning: You be dead" With a ghost smile shadowed, she said her oft-repeated typical dialouge.

 "Dead? That I don't know. But been crazed to a lunatic? Most definitely."

"Are we forgetting here, that you have always been one. Lunatic, I mean" Mom said, with a smile etched on her lips.

Nodding my head curtly, I pulled over the cover as a foreseen dangerous intuition overtook me for even the air itself seemed to witness it's tranquility before the storm. I dove under my covers where warmth oozed about.

"Listen you miss-" mom started off in a strict tone placing one hand on the hip and wagging her finger "If in-case you didn't hear I'll repeat -" but I cut her in the mid sentence.

"No. No repeating required mom, swim on please! Don't consider me deaf as is my alarm clock" I said plastering my all-time favorite smirk.

Mom glared at me for interrupting the flow before continuing, "As I was saying miss, you got only 2 minutes to get your ass off the bed before I do something which which will make you regret later"and soon her face wore a trademark smirk which says 'you might better want to watch out'.

Although I do remember not-having-to-get-up-from-the-bed consequences last time was having a flip flop hitting my delicate face. And mind you, the throwing skill was on point, so much so it had, without a doubt exceeded Brett Lee's bowling mastery from cricket. As of how Roald Dhal described Miss Trunchbull of throwing children. RIP poor flip-flop of mine, didn't see there death coming so soon.

"You hell of an alarm, its all of for you! You know how much in love I am with my bed and we make a great couple too. But you don't want us together, you jealous freak!"

"Early to bed, early to rise; Makes a man healthy wealthy and wise" Mom said taking a part in my drama too. Who was I kidding again?! Two can play a game, of-course!

"Sheesh! Okay okay, getting up before you go all Benjamin Franklin on me. My bed, my gravity I'm gonna miss ya. But alas, it is what it is. I shall catch up with you in the afternoon then" Blowing it a flying kiss and pulling off the duvet, I branched off the mushy bed. Correction: MY mushy bed.

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