Why Run Into You?

Start from the beginning

"Jenny!" Emilia almost tripped as she held onto my body so she wouldn't lose balance. She bends down and breathes heavily holding up a finger--telling me to wait.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as she stood up. The guys stopped and stared at her as she continue to talk.

"Okay, so A few days ago I met this guy. I don't think you've seen him before. He goes to a different high school but I would see him at this store I often go to--"

"Okay, okay slow down." Kaz said.

"But look he asked for my number and we've been meeting up as friends then he asked me out." She grinned.

"Thats great." I smiled.

"So I was thinking, do you want to go on a double date?" She asked, looking at me then the guys.

"Double date?" I confusingly asked.

"Yeah right." Logan held back an eye roll with a bored expression. "Who is she going to even go with?" He crossed his arms waiting for an answer.

"Isn't that obvious? Kaz of-course." She stared at Logan as if she won something.

"No!" Jack quickly said. He then noticed what he was stopping and his cheeks immediately got red. "I-I mean..." He paused for a second.

"That wouldn't be fair to Jack." Bennet shrugged. "I don't even think Jenny likes any of them. Do you?" They all turned to me.

I thought about it for a moment. I did think Kaz and I were going out but we weren't acting like couples... We were just best friends... Sure he kissed me but that was it. I needed time to think of how I was feeling.

"She only see's us as friends." Lucas crossed his arms looking the other way as if he was disappointed.

"Yeah us but not you." Logan smirked at him then me.

"Say what now?" I quickly asked with a brow raised staring at Logan confusingly.

"Yup, I think you have a crush on Lucas." Logan stuck his tongue out.

"Haha you like Lucas, you like Lucas." Carter sang a song.

"No I don't." I stated in annoyance trying to clear things out.

"Yeah," Emilia punched Logan on the arm lightly. "She likes Kaz." She glared.

"Lucas." Logan said through gritted teeth.


"Both of you shut up!" I shouted clearly annoyed by their little argument. "I think of all of you only as friends." I rolled my eyes.

I started to stomp home annoyingly. I gave out a groan. I quickly turn back around and started dragging Carter with me.

"Why don't you like any of them?" Carter curiously asked as he sat down on the couch.

"Because I don't." I sat besides him and turned on the t.v.

"Hmm, I think three of them likes you." He smirked back at me. I suspiciously stare at him.

"You've only been here for like two days." I said.

"But it's obvious." He shrugged.

"Okay, then tell me who are the three and why do you think that." I turn to fully face him as I was interested in this.

"Okay, first one is Lucas. I think Lucas likes you because of the way he treats you. He gave you water and medicine when he thought you needed it. He also told me to keep an eye on you and to call him when you're making trouble." He snickered.

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