Chapter 5

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Cassy squirmed, nestling herself deeper into the warm cocoon that wrapped around her. She tightened her grip on the warm cloth, and her pillow moaned softly.

She sat up abruptly, Daemon's arms sliding down to her waist. She poked him furiously until he stirred, sitting up just as quickly once he discovered their situation.

They lay together on the floor of Cassy's closet, and Belle's voice was drifting through the air towards them.

"Ohmigod." They leapt up, Cassy furiously smoothing her messy hair, and Daemon retrieved his jacket from the floor next to them. As Belle knocked on Cassy's bedroom door, she tore out of the closet, diving under the covers as Daemon locked the door behind her.

"I'm coming in, Cass!" Belle called. Cassy feigned sleep. "You lazy ass! Get up! Training started an hour ago! Where - in - the - hell" - each word was emphasized by a pillow tossed at Cassy's head - "were you?!"

"I was here. Sleeping." Cassy rolled over and buried her face in the pillows. "Go away."

Another pillow flew at her. "Get the hell up, Cassy, or I swear I will cut off every one of your fingers and feed them to you like French fries!"

She would. Cass opened her eyes.

"Okay. I'm up. I'm up." She rolled lazily off the mattress and sat up.

Belle stared daggers at her as she sorted through her drawers. All of her good clothes were in the closet, so she tossed on a simple fitted black T-shirt and black leggings.

Belle practically dragged her downstairs to the training room.

Of course he was there. Didn't he ever sleep? Or eat? James stood with his back to the door, sorting through the various tools of death and dismemberment. She sighed.

"Oh please," Belle scoffed under her breath as she went to join Elise on the rock climbing wall.

Choosing to ignore her, Cassy approached James. He glanced up as she got closer and smiled hugely. His dimples showed, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, Cissy." His muscles flexed as he reached to grab a hanging machete. Cassy's eyes drifted lower involuntarily. God, he had a nice-

"Cass! Come!" Belle's voice was sharp, demanding, and Cassy reluctantly strutted over to spar with her sister.

She snatched the white tape from Belle's hands, carefully wrapping her wrists.

"Hurry up." Belle was shifting anxiously on the mats hopping from one foot to the other.

"Calm down, Antsy, I'm coming." She squared off across from her sister, balanced on the balls of her feet delicately with her hands held loosely in fists.

Belle struck first, one arm jutting out sharply towards Cassy's left ear. She dodged it easily, slipping to the right and delivering a well-placed kick to her sister's kidneys. Belle dropped, but spun on the mats in an attempt to trip Cassy, moving quickly. They were both on the mats now, delivering fierce punches and jabs, all the while blocking offensive attacks.

She could feel his gaze as she fought, knew his eyes were boring into the back of her head. She berated herself for her lack of focus, and slammed Belle into the mat with a bang.

"Mercy! Mercy! Goddamn," Belle exclaimed, slamming one hand downwards with a bang, "that hurt!" She rubbed her sore shoulders.

Cassy stepped behind her older sister and massaged her back gently, feeling the tense muscles relax against her fingers.

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